The Origin of the Name Hoffman: German nicknames...hoef(hof with 2 dots over the o=umlant) means court or small farmer
and Hoffman is a nickname for a farmer who owned his land rather than rented it.
Naturalized 10-Apr.1760:
Berks County, Pa. Naturalized 22-Mar.1761:
Quakers Naturalized 1760:
Philadelphia Co., Pa. Aug/Sep. 1760:
Lancaster County, Pa. 1761:
A list=The Captain's list
© 2000-2005
B list=signers of Oath of Allegiance to England
C list=signers of Oath of Abjuration
"Thistle of Glasgow" 29-Aug.1730, Colin Dunlap, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowels:Hans Georg HOFMAN
"The Fox" 12-Oct.1738, Charles Ware, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Plymouth, 95:Hans Georg FRY
"The Friendship", from Bristol, John Davies, from Rotterdam 16th day of Oct, 1727:Johann Jorg, HOFFMAN With 2 little dots over the "o" in Jorg
"Mollie [List 3A]:Henrick HOFFMAN
30th Sep't, 1727, Jn'o. Hodgson, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Deal [List B]: Letters in parenthesis are apparently marks that passengers made:
Hans Lenord HOFFMANHans Leenerd HOFMAN (X)
Burckhardt HOFFMAN
"William and Sarah", William Hill, Master, from Rotterdam, to Philadelphia, 18-Sep.1728:
"The Mortonhouse", Philadelphia, Aug. 19, 1729, [List C]. the signers of the Oath of Abjuration:Christian FRY
Hans Ulrich (H) FRY
"St. Andrew"[List 128C] At the state house at Philadelphia, Saturday, 9-September, 1749, James Abecrombie, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Plymouth, in England, did this day take the usual Qualifications to the court by the list 111, Persons from Palatines.ans Rudy FREY
Source: R.B. Slucassburger, 1934, Pa. German Pioneers, Vol. 1, pp 396-397
"The Joyce", William Ford, Captain, from Boston Arrived at Philadelphia, 30-Apr.1730. Source Colonial Records of Pa Archives, Vol. 14:Andrew HOFMAN, age 22. signed Andraes Hoffman
"Lydia", Captain James Abercrombie, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, arriving in Philadelphia, 10-Sep.1743. Source: Pa. Archives, Vol. 3
Passenger list...Declaration of Fidelity (Signature)...Oath of Alligeance (Signature)
John Hend'k HOFFMAN, 35...Johannes Henrick Hoffman..(same)
"The Mercury"[List 38A]. List of Switzers who arribed in Philadelphia on Ship Mercury, Capt. William Wilson {Qualifies May 29, 1735} men:Jacob FREY, 50
women:Elizabeth FREY, 8
..."At the courthouse of Philadelphia, May 29, 1735, fifty four Palatines, and Switzers, who with their families, making in all one hundred seventy-six persons, were imported here in the Ship Mercury, of London, William Wilson, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes, as by clearance from thence, where this day qualified as usual, "From minutes of the Provincial Council, printed in Colonial Records, Vol. III, pp 593.
Anna Barbara FREY, 10
Hendryk FREY, 6
"The Richard and Elizabeth". At the courthouse, aforesaid, 28-Sept.1733, 43 Palatines, who with their families, make in all one hundred thirty-seven persons, were imported here in Briganteen, Richard and Elizabeth, of Philadelphia, Christopher Clymer, Master from Rotterdam, but last of Plymouth, as by clearance thence, were qualified as before, and thence names are:
"St. Andrew Galley", [List 47A] Palatines imported on this ship, John Sledman, Master from Rotterdam, Qualified, Sept. 26, 1737: Philadelphia, Sept 26, 1737, A true list, John Stedman.
"St. Andrew Galley", [List 47B], Paletines imported Ship St. Andrews Galley, John Stedman, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes, as by clearance, thence, Qualified 26-Sept.1737:Philip (X) LIEBENGUT
Jacob (F) FRIES
"The Charming Nancy", [List49A], List of People, of Charming Nancy, Charles Stedman, Commander, from Rotterdam, Qualified Oct. 8, 1737:Mathias HOFFMAN
womens names:
Fredrick HOFFMAN
Frederick HOFFMANElizabeth HOFFMAN
[List 49B] Same as above from Rotterdam, but last from Plymouth as clearance thence, Qualified 8-Oct.1937:Matteis HOFFMAN (X)
"The Winter Galley", [List 52A] List of all the men's names and ages, from 16 and upward, Passengers on bd. ye Winter Galley, Edward Paynter, Commander, Qualified Sept. 5, 1738:Jan Peter HOFFMAN, 27
Jurg HOFFMAN, 37
Adam HOFMAN, 23
Jacob STALL, 30 ...Sworn to Sept. 5th, 1738, Edward Paynter, Acct. of Number of Palatines in the Ship Winter Galley, those (that) took their qualifications...139, number of women and children...113, in all 252 passengers:
[List 52B] Paletines imported in the Ship, The Winter Galley, Edward Paynter, Commander from Rotterdam, but last from Deal. Qualified 5th Sept.1738:
"The Lydia" [List 99A], Captain, James Abercrombie, Sept. 19th, 1743:Johan Hendk. HOFFMAN, 35
[List 99B]:Johannes Henrich HOFFMAN
Henrich (X) FREY
"The Patience" A list of foreigners imported on Ship, Patience, Captain John Brown. Qualified, Sept. 16, 1748;[List C] at Courthouse in Philadelphia, Saturday, Sept. 16, 1748: "The Patience" [List 146C] Only one for this ship. At the Courthouse in Philadelphia, Saturday, 11-Aug.1750, Captain Hugh Steel, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes, in England, did this day take and subscribe the ususal Qualifications 124 by list, 266 Freights:
"The Brotherhood" [List 159C] Only one available at the courthouse in Philadelphia. Saturday, 3-Nov.1756, Captain John Thomson, from Rotterdan and last from Cowes, by list 119, persons 300. List of signers of the Oath of abjuration: Jacob ( ) FREY, on board
"The Hero" [List 248C], Saturday, 27-Oct.1764, Ralph Forster, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes. Qualified 500 whole, Freight, 200 in list. (Messers, William and Morris, 21-Nov. paid. L15: Joh. HOFFMAN
"The Myrlella" [List 256C] Only one, 21-Sep.1765, Captain James Caton, from London, on list 40 persons: Martin FREY
Heinerich FREY
"The Patience" [List 134C]. At Philadelphia 19-Sep.1749, Captn. Hugh Steel, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes in England: Johann Adam HOFFMAN
18th Century Rhineland Immigrants, Schroeder and Fuelling GbR:
HOFMANN, Philipp Nickel, origin: Enzweiler, year 1761, destination: America
Colums signify: Name; birthdate; destination; emmigration; remarks.
HOFFMANN, Franz, 1750; MD.
HOFFMAN, Henrich ____; 1849; with family;
HOFFMANN, Jacob Heinrich; ; TX;
HOFFMANN, Johann Jacob; ; TX;
HOFFMANN, Johann Peter; ; TX;
HOFFMANN, Leonhard H.; ;TX;
HOFFMANN, Louisa, 1764; Arkansaw; 1833; 00; Becker.
HOFMANN Adam; ; 1835; .
HOFMANN, Anna Elisabeth
HOFFMANN, Anna Elisabeth; ; USA;1845;
HOFMANN, Barbara
HOFMANN, Christian; ; ;1836; 1/-/-
HOFMANN, Georg Philipp; ; ;1838;
HOFMANN, Johann Christoph; ; ; 1833; 1/1/1
HOFMANN, Johann Jacob; ; TX;
HOFMANN, Johann Jacob; ; ; 1838;
HOFMANN, Justus; 1841; ; ;1881;
HOFMANN, Justus; 1878; ; ;1881;
HOFMANN, Karl; 1872; ; ;1881;
HOFMANN, Katharina; 1874; ; ;1881;
HOFMANN, Katharina M.; 1841; ; ;1881;
HOFMANN, Margerithe; ; TX;
HOFMANN, Philipp Peter; 1871; ; ;1881;
It is possible some of the names here are repeated from above, from another source.
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania IMMIGRANTS INTO PENNSYLVANIA. 1727.
Porchas HOFFMAN,
[p.57] Children.
Henerick HOFFMAN,
Hans Leonard HOFFMAN Joh. Georg HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to theProvince and State of Pennsylvania [The original list is herewith given.]
Christoph HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Women and Children.
Hans Michel HOFFMAN,
Joh. Michael HOFFMAN
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Children's Names.
Names.: David HOFFMAN,
Age.: 8
Names.: Anna Maria HOFFMAN
Age.: 11
Porchas HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [The original list is herewith given.]
Henerick HOFFMAN,
Hans Leonard HOFFMAN,
Joh. Georg HOFFMAN
Christoph HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Men's Names.
Hans Michel HOFFMAN,
Joh. Michael HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Women and Children's Names.
Fredrick HOFFMANElizabeth HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Men's Names.
Fredrick HOFFMAN,
Johan Peter HOFFMAN,
Name.: Jan Peter HOFFMAN,
Age.: 27
Name.: Jurg HOFFMAN
Age.: 37Jacob HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Men's Names.
Name.: Jacob HOFFMAN,
Age.: 55
Johan Hend.HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania LIST OF THE PALATINE MEN'S NAMRS PER THE LYDIA, JAMES ALLEN, MASTER. QUALIFIED 29TH SKPT., 1741.
Hans Peter HOFFMAN,
Justinus HOFFMAN,
Johannes HOFFMAN,
Joh Willhelm HOFFMAN,
Philip HOFFMAN Hans Philip HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [The original list is herewith given.]
Johannes HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [The original list is herewith given.]
Nichlas HOFFMAN,
Joh. Henrich HOFFMAN,
Name.: Johan Hendk. HOFFMAN,
Age.: 35
Name.: Johan Hendk. HOFFMAN
Age.: 35Christoph HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [The original list is herewith given.]
Michael HOFFMAN,
Hans Georg HOFFMAN,
Richard HOFFMAN,
Johan Martin HOFFMAN,
Johan Bernhart HOFFMAN,
Hans Adam HOFFMAN,
Joh. Henrich HOFFMANJohan Jacob HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania LIST OF FORRIGNERS IMPORTED IN THE SHIP EDINBERGH, JAMES RUSSELL, MASTER. QUALIFIED SEPT. 16, 1751.
Johan Heinrich HOFFMAN,
Johan Michael HOFFMAN,
Johan Adam HOFFMAN,
Wilhelm HOFFMAN,
Hans Geo. HOFFMAN,
Freiderie HOFFMAN,
Wilhelm HOFFMAN,
Rudolph HOFFMAN,
Geo. Ludwig HOFFMAN,
Wilhelm HOFFMAN,
Johannes HOFFMAN,
Joh. Dietrich HOFFMANCasper HOFFMAN jr.
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania LIST OF FORRIGNERS IMPORTED IN THE SHIP EDINBERGH, JAMES RUSSELL, MASTER. QUALIFIED SEPT. 16, 1751.
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania LIST OF FORRIGNERS IMPORTED IN THE SHIP EDINBERGH, JAMES RUSSELL, MASTER. QUALIFIED SEPT. 16, 1751. page 359 [p.359]
Joh. Valentin HOFFMAN,
Johan Henrich HOFFMAN,
Johann Theis HOFFMAN,
Johan Nicklans HOFFMAN
Johani Philippus HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania LIST OF FORRIGNRRS IMPORTED IN THE TWO BROTHERS, THOMAS ARNOT, MASTER, FROM ROTTERDAM.
Michael HOFFMAN,
Michael HOFFMAN,
Christian HOFFMAN,
Rudolph HOFFMAN,
Bartholomens HOFFMAN
Sebastian HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [The “list of passengers” is herewith given.]
Johannes HOFFMAN,
Bastian HOFFMAN,
Henrich HOFFMAN,
Johannes HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [The “list” as furnishedby the master of the nexxel is also given.]
Name.: Philip HOFFMAN,
Age.: 27
Johan Jacob HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [The “list” as furnished by the master of the nexxel is also given.] page 466 [p.466]
Name.: Jacob HOFFMAN,
Age.: 20
Joh. Nicolaus HOFFMAN,
Johan Jacob HOFFMAN,
Friederich HOFFMAN,
Johan Mathias HOFFMAN,
Johannes HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [p.523] IMMIGRATION INTO PENNSYLVANIA, 1786–1808.
Joh. Bernhurd HOFFMAN,
Hans Jacob HOFFMAN,
Valentin HOFFMAN,
Nicholas HOFFMAN,
Andreas HOFFMAN,
Johan Henrich HOFFMAN
Dorothy HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania LIST OF PASSEXGERS OF SHIP JOHX, WILLIAM WHITEWRLL, MASTER, FROM AMSTERDAM. MARCH 12, 1794.
Wilhelmina HOFFMAN,
Johan Christoffa HOFFMAN,
Fried. Barhard HOFFMANName.: Friederich HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Cabin Passengers.
Name.: J. W. HOFFMAN
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Cabin Passengers. page 603[p.603]
Daniel HOFFMAN and wife,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Cabin Passengers.
Dort HOFFMANNames of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [Name, Occupation, Age, Height.]
Franz HOFFMAN, taylor, 45, five feet 8 inches
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Children.
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania PASSENGERS ON BOARD THE BRIG LEOPAND. CAPTAIN PIGOT SHAW. FROM L****BECK, A****RIVED ARGRST 25, 1804.
Name.: John HOFFMAN,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [Name, age, place of natieity, occupation.]
Age.: 47
Name.: Susanna HOFFMAN,
Age.: 41
Name.: Conrad HOFFMAN,
Age.: 17
Name.: John HOFFMAN,
Age.: 13
Name.: Henry HOFFMAN,
Age.: 10
Name.: Anna Cath. HOFFMAN,
Age.: 7
Name.: Anna Maria HOFFMAN
Age.: 3John H. HOFFMAN, 25, Wilsdorf, coachman.
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [Name, age, place of nativity and occupation.]
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Children under sixteen.
Johannes FREY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Women and Children.
Names.: Johanis FREY,Age.: 30
Names.: Johaneva FREY,Age.: 33
Names.: Nicholas FREY,Age.: 6
Johannes FREY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Children's Names.
Hans Peter FREY,
Andreas FREY
Conrad FREY
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Under Sixteen.
Jacob FREY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Women and Children's Names.
Name.: Jacob FREY,
Age.: 50
Name.: Anua Barbara FREY,
Age.: 10
Name.: Elisabeth FREY,
Age.: 8
Name.: Hendryk FREY,
Age.: 6
Johan Dieter FREY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Women and Children's Names. page 156 [p.156]
Name.: Fredrick FREY,
Age.: 38
Andreas FREY
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to theProvince and State of Pennsylvania Men's Names.
Hans Georg FREY
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania LIST OF THE PALATINE MEN'S NAMRS PER THE LYDIA, JAMES ALLEN, MASTER. QUALIFIED 29TH SKPT., 1741.
Jacob FREY
Johannes Peter FREY
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to theProvince and State of Pennsylvania [The original list is herewith given.]
Johann Georg FREY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania LIST OF FORRIGNERS IMPORTED IN THE SHIP EDINBERGH, JAMES RUSSELL, MASTER. QUALIFIED SEPT. 16, 1751.
Jacob FREY,
Johannes FREY,
Hans Georg FREY,
Andreas FREY,
Hans Georg FREY,
Jacob FREY
Jacob FREY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania LIST OF FORRIGNRRS IMPORTED IN THE TWO BROTHERS, THOMAS ARNOT, MASTER, FROM ROTTERDAM.
Clementz FREY,
Wendel FREY,
Henrich FREY, sick,
Johan George FREY,
Jacob FREY
Andreas FREY
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [the “list of passengers” is also given including those marked “Newlander.”]
J. Henry FREY,
Johannes FREY
Johannes FREY
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [The “list” as furnished by the master of the nexxel is also given.]
Johannes FREY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania LIST OF PASSEXGERS OF SHIP JOHX, WILLIAM WHITEWRLL, MASTER, FROM AMSTERDAM. MARCH 12, 1794.
Philippus FREY,
Jacob FREY,
Hans Jacob FREY,
Henrich FREY,
Martin FREY,
Henrich FREY,
Christian FREY,
Francis FREY,
Johann Philip FREY,
Jacob FREY,
Michael FREY,
Johann Martin FREY,
Friederic FREYJos. FREY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania PASSENGERS ON BOARD THE BRIG LEOPAND. CAPTAIN PIGOT SHAW. FROM L****BECK, A****RIVED ARGRST 25, 1804.
Christiance FREY,
Barba FREYName.: Mr. FREY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [The original list is herewith given.]
Native Place.: Siesach.
Name.: Mrs. FREY,2 sons,
Native Place.: Siesach.
Jacob FREY, Ofenburg, 26 Christopher FRY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Women and Children.
Hance Uldrick FRY
Names.: Hans Peter FRY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [p.93] Women's Names.
Ages.: 44
Names.: Andrews FRY,
Ages.: 35
Names.: Barbella FRY
Ages.: 37
Names.: Cathrina Barbara FRY,
Ages.: 30
Names.: Appellonia FRY,
Ages.: 58
Names.: Maria Valma FRY,
Ages.: 14
Names.: Maria Crete FRY,
Ages.: 17
Names.: Valentine FRY,
Ages.: 12
Names.: Eve FRY,
Ages.: 10
Names.: Anna Maria FRY,
Ages.: 8
Names.: Hans Peter FRY,
Ages.: 4
Names.: Christian FRY,
Ages.: 2
Names.: Elizabeth FRY,
Ages.: 9
Names.: Mettelina FRY,
Ages.: 3
Names.: Christopher FRY,
Ages.: 8Susan FRY
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Children's Names.
Christophel FRY
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Women and Children's Names.
Name.: Hendrick FRY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Men's Names.
Age.: 12
Name.: Murtha FRY,
Age.: 9
Name.: Jacob FRY,
Age.: 6
Name.: Maria FRY,
Age.: 5
Name.: Anna FRY,
Age.: 4Name.: Hans FRY,
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania [The original list is herewith given.]
Age.: 33
Hans FRY,
Fredrick FRYHenry FRY
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania Cabin Passengers.
Joh. FRY
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania THE ABOVE PASSENGERS ARE ALL FROM THE DUTCHY OF WURTRNBURG IN THE GERMAN EMPIRE.
John F. FRY
Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania IMMIGRANTS INTO PENNSYLVANIA. 1727.
Tobias FRYE