From the Greene County, Pa. Courthouse: Report of Edmund Murphy Applicant for admifsion to the rights of Citizenship Copy Lindsey S. Buchanan, Attys. In pursuance of the acts of Congress in such case made and provided Edmund Murphy a free white person, and an alien friend, desirous of being Naturalized, makes report and registry of himself as follows. Name ¦ Birth Place ¦ Age Nation Edmund Murphy ¦Ireland County of Kerry ¦ 43yrs. Ireland ¦ Allegiance ¦ ¦ Queen of England ¦ ¦ Whence he emigrated¦ Time of his arrival in¦ Intended place¦¦ Boston, Mafsachussetts United States¦ U.S. October 1849 ¦¦ of settlement ¦¦ Green County ¦¦ State of Penn. ¦ Greene County SS. Edmund Murphy being duly Sworn, doth depose and say, that the above statement is correct,and that it is Bona fide his intention to become a citizen of the United States, and to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any Prince Potentate, state or soveverity whatever, and particularly to the Queen of Great Britain of whom he is now a subject. Sworn and subscribed before the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas in Open Court, at the Borrough of Waynesburg, in and for the County of Greene. The 10th day of June, 1856. his Edmund X Murphy mark Sworn Subscribed in open Court June 10th 1856 Coran John Prony. June term, 1856, No.2 MURPHY, Edward an alien And now, June 10, 1856 Edward Murphy, comes into the Court of Common Pleas of Greene County, and upon his solemn oath makes registry & report ofhimself as follows, viz: That heis a free white person of the age of 43 years, born in Curry County, Ireland, & owed allegiance to the Queen of England, that he emigrated to and arrived at the port of Boston, Massachusetts, in October 1849, and that it is bonafide his intention to become a citizen of the United States and to renounce forever all allegiance to any Foreign Prince, Potentate State or Sovereignty whatever & particularly to the Queen of Great Britian, of whom, he is now a subject.-------+ Sworn & subscribed in open court+-Signed, June 10, 1856, Coram -------+ Edward Murphy And now, to wit, Sept. 28th, 1858, Edward Murphy presents his petition in pursuance of of Foreigners and to repeal the acts heretofore passed on that subject" made adeclaration of intention to this Court on the 10th day of June 1856 & a Registry of his nativity, age, allegiance, emigration, arrival, and intended place settlement in the United States of America on formably to said & that he has resided within the acts an under the Jurisdiction of the United States for five years last past and within the State of Pennsylvania, one year last past & that he has never bourne any hereditary title, as any order of nobility the Kingdom whence he came or elsewhere. Signed Edward Murphy. Certificate of Naturalization, of Edward Murphy, a Native of Ireland-- Lindsey vs. Buchanon Attorney In regard to Naturalization: Thereupon the Court admit the said Edward Murphy, to become a citizen of the United States, and order all the proceedings aforesaid to be recorded by the Prothonotary of Said County, which was done accordingly. In witnefs, where of, I, David A. Worley, Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas, have hereunto affixed the Seal of the said Court, at Waynesburg this 8th day of June, in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and fifty nine, and of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America, the Eighty third. D.A. Worley, Prothonotary William B. Porter & Lindsey L. Gray being duly qualified according to Law, says that Edward Murphy has resided within the United States for five years last past and within the State of Pennsylvania for more than one year and that during that time he has behaved himself as a man of good, moral character, attached to the Principals of the Constitution of the United States and well disposed to the good & happiness of the same. Sworn & subscribed Sept. 28th Coram David A. Worley, Prothy W.B. Porter L.L. Gray And now, to wit, Sept. 28, 1858, the Court being satisfied of the truth of the said statement and affidavits direct the applicant to take the oath of allegiance. Greene County, S.S. Edward Murphy being duly sworn according to law said that he will support the Constitution of the United States & that he doth absolutely & entirely renounce & abjure all allegiance & fidelity to every Foreign Prince, Potentate, State or Sovereignty, whatever & particularly the Queen of Great Britian of which he has been a subject. --------------------+ Sworn & subscribed ¦ Sept. 28, 1858+--Edward Murphy Coram D.A. Worley ¦ Prothy. ¦ --------------------+ Will of William Murphy¦ In the name of God Amen. I, William Murphy, late of¦ Springhill Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania, being¦ of sound mind and memory do here-by --------------------+ make and Publish this my last will and Testament, as follows-- FIRST-I desire that if I should depart this life before my beloved wife, Joanna, that she should have and to hold, twenty-five acres of land during her natural life and the twenty-five acres of land is to be so run off as to take in the dwelling house, I now occupy-- SECOND-I desire after the death of my beloved wife that my son James shall have and inherit the twenty-five acres wherein I have willed and bequeathed to my beloved wife. THIRD-I desire after the decease of my beloved wife that the ballance of my farm shall be divid equal between my sons, James and Edward Murphy. FOURTH-I desire that after the death of my beloved wife, that my son Edward is to pay unto my son William two Hundred Dollars. FIFTH-, After the decease of my beloved wife I desire that my sons James Murphy and Edward Murphy pays jointly and equal unto my daughters, Joanna Murphy and Allice--now Chancy, one hundred dollars to each of them which would make in all two hundred Dollars. SIXTH-I desire that my beloved wife pays to Jeremiah Nolan one hundred Dollars- as she becomes able. SEVENTH-I desire that my sons James and Edward Murphy pays unto Allice Cain at her becoming twenty-one years of age two hundred Dollars, making one Hundred Dollars each to pay. EIGHTH-I desire at my decease after my funeral expenses is paid that my beloved wife shall have all my personal effects household and kitchen furniture and all surplus money if there be any. In Witness here of I hereby set my hand and seal this the 19th day of June A.D. 1886. His Attest: William X Murphy Elisha Brant mark A. Sextan Francis Barger State of Pennsylvania SS: Greene County Before me, W.W. Patterson, Register for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and form said county, came Elisha and Francis Barger two of the numbering witnesses to the above and forgoing will, who, being sworn according to law say that they were present and saw and heard William Murphy the Testator sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare the foregoing instrument of witness as and for his last Will and Testament and at the time of doing so he was of sound mind, memory and__________rest not copied... And now March 8, 1900, receipts filed of which the following are copies.: Rec'd Aug. 20/92 of James and Edward Murphy, two hundred dollars, the same being in full of Dower due me under & by the last will of my father William Murphy, Dec'd late of Springhill Twp., Greene Co. Pa. $200.00 Attest Jas. Sties E.L. Denny, Recorded William Murphy Rec'd Aug. 20/92 of James and Edward Murphy one hundred Dollars the same being in full of Dower due me under & by the last Will and of my Step-father, William Murphy Dec'd. late of Springhill Twp., Greene Co., Pa. $100.00 Attest James Stiles Jeremiah Nolan For Receipts of Johana O'Leary, Alice Burhhard, Alice Kain and Alice Chaney for legacies due them under this will, See Deed Book 126, pages 510 & 511. ----------------------+ State of Pennsylvania ¦Greene County+--ss. ----------------------+ Personally came Dennis Murphy, a person whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, who being by me duly and formally sworn according to law says he was a member of Company "C" 18th Regt. Pa. Cav. Vols. That in compliance with this letter for the Pension Officer dated Aug. 18, 1876, he firmed the following statement. I was with my company at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd July, 1863. Was dismounted and taken sick at Hagerstown, Md., while pursuing the Rebel Army on their retreat from Gettysburg. Was sent to the hospital at Hagerstown, Md., where I remained a few days, when I was sent to Hospital at Annapolis, Md. Was there until along in the fall--probably October 1863, when I was sent to Dismounted Camp at Camp ?Stinaman, Washington, D.C. I remained there until late in the fall of 1863, when I was sent to join my Regiment which I found at Bealton's Station, on the Orango & Alexander R.R. In December 1863, I think, I was detailed for orderly duty, dispatch, braniy? Etc. and was assigned for duty to the Head Quarters of the first Brigade, Second Division of the 15th Army Corps, Commanded by Col. Burbante, where I remained until the 11th of April A.D. 1864 when I disabled by the fall of my Horse, (as stated in my application) and while in line of duty and acting under command of my superior officers. After being hurt on the 11th April 1864, I was sent to the field hospital and from there I was sent to Fairfax Seminary Hospital remained there a few days and was then sent to Washington, D.C. when I only remained one day or less and was then sent to Chestnut Hill Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., where I remained until probably in October, 1864, when I was sent to Cliffburn Barracks, Washington, D.C. Was there a few days and was examined. I requested to be sent back to my Company, but my request was refused and I was assigned to Fifth Company, Second Battalion, V.R.C. Commanded by Lieut. F.J. Werneck. I remained with this organization until I was discharged in September 1865. I received a Statement from the Officers commanding my Company of my standing in the company and a warrant promoting me to Saggant of said Company "C" 18th Pa. Cav. Vol... Dennis Murphy Sworn and subscribed before me this 6th day of September 1876 and I certify that the applicant knew the contents of the foregoing application before being sworn and that I have no interest in said claim for pension. H.C. Pollock Clerk Q. Sessions ----------------------+ State of Pennsylvania.¦Greene County+-S.S. ----------------------+ Personally came Dennis Murphy, who being by me duly sworn according to law, says that, he is the identical Dennis Murphy, who was a Corporal of Company "C" 18th Regt. Pa. Cav. Vols., who has made application for pension No. 200788, and now makes the following statement in compliance with the requirements of circular letters of July 22, 1878, to wit: That he claims pension on account of fracture of the right shoulder and collar bone, and maligned muscles and parts of the said shoulder caused by his horse falling on him. That the fracture was probably not properly treated and now greatly disables him and causes him much pain and inconvenience. That said injury was received while in line of duty, at the Orango & Alexander R.R. near Noaxville Station, Va. on or about the 11th day of April 1864. That he was on detached duty at the time, and does not know of the whereabouts of any of his comrades, who are acquainted with the circumstances under which the injury was received except the evidence of Wm Filby, whose affidavit is now on file. There was only the said Wm Filby and David Fonner present at the time he was hurt. That he has made diligent search and has been unable to find the whereabouts of the said David Fonner. That he is unable to furnish the affidavit of a Commanding officer of hiscompany or Regt., for the reason that the injury was received while he was on detached duty and only the two named members of his company or regiment were present, and that he was not with his company or Regiment after receiving said injury. That he was taken to the Hospital and after he recovered to a certain extent was places in the V.R.C. where he remained until September 1865, the time of his discharge. That he prays that the court may be cen ? on the affidavit of the one comrade now on file for the reason that he is unable to find any one else to testify. That his present Post Office address in Wind Ridge, Greene County, Pa. Dennis Murphy Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31st day of July A.D. 1878 and I certify that the applicant knew the contents of the forgoing affidavit before being sworn and that I have no interest in the presents of said claim for pension. G.W. Ullomm, Prothy. **************** No. 9186-- Will of Dennis Murph(e)y Filed 31-May.1922 Norman Wood--Register And now, May 31st, 1922, Application for Letters of Testamentary, filed. Be it known that I, Dennis Murphey, of the Township of Richhill, County of Greene and State of Pennsylvania, being of sound mind, memory and understanding, do make, publish and declare this to be my last will and testament hereby revoking and making Void all former wills. FIRST-I will that all my just debts and funeral expenses be fully paid. SECOND-I will to my daughter, Lucinda J. Murphey, the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars. THIRD-I will that the ballance of my Estate be equally divided between my ten children, vis. Katherine M. Day, who is intermarried with G.M. Day, now dec'd. James Murphey, John Murphey, Herman Murphey, Elizabeth B. Murphey, intermarried with John H. Carroll, Joseph L. Murphey, Lucinda J. Murphey, Olive G. Murphey, intermarried with Walter C. Campbell, Annie V. Murphey, intermarried with H.L. Chapman, and Fannie L. Murphey, intermarried with C.M. Ridgley. I hereby direct my Executors to sell my Real and personal property, at such time or times, and in such way or manner, as they my think best, either at public or private sale. I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my Sons, John Murphey, and Herman Murphey, My lawfull, Executors of this my last Will and testament, and order that they serve without compensation further than the actual expenses, and to this my last Will and Testament, I have set my hand and seal this 28th day of March A.D. 1911. Dennis Murphy (Seal) Will of Dennis Murphy 28-Mar.1911 m2. daughter - Lucinda J. Murphy - $500.near Hookstown- Katherine Murphy - Day m G.M. Day deceased. James Murphy 1/2 brother (m? Nancy Taylor?) John Murphy (Dad's [Harold Francis Durbin] line) Herman Murphey 1/2 brother Elizabeth B. Murphey - John H. Carroll Joseph L. Murphey 1/2 brother Lucinda Murphey Olive Murphey m. Walter Campbell Annie V. Murphey - H.L. Chapmandec. Fannie L. Murphey - C.M. Ridgley c- Edward & Charlesfrom Elm Grove or Wheeling. Signers: R.E. Carroll & J.H. Morrow MURPHY HISTORY Dennis Murphy served in the Civil War as a horse soldier. He had had the horse he rode shot out from under his three different times. His father had been a horse trainer in Ireland where they came from. Edmond Murphy, Dennis's father then became a trainer in Kentucky, training the horses to race. They lived along Owens Run, in Greene County, Pa. Rising out of the dividing ridge which separates the waters in Greene County, that flow into the Monongahela from these that flow into the Ohio, there is a small stream called Owens Run, after the first settler that built his cabin on its' banks more than a century ago. That stream rises on the farm of David Braddock, and meanders north west through a dozen farms, and flows into the Enlow, a branch of Wheeling Creek, at Ackley's Bridge. From the farms of this little stream and its' branches, there entered the Union Army, from 1861 to 1865, no less than 37 men, all friends or neighbors of Edmond Murphy and his family. Edmond Murphy lived just across the field from the very head of the stream. Both of his sons entered the Union Army. Dennis served in the gallant Colonel Dah_gren into the very fortifications of Richmond. His brother, William served in the First West Virginia Infantry, and participated in all the battles of this gallant regiment. Edmond's wife's name was Margaret Leary. They were married somewhere in Ireland. William was born in 1835, and Dennis on December 11, 1840 and died May 18, 1922. Dennis was married four times: first to Susanna Daily, then to Isa Belle Durbin, then Mary Belle Barnhart Durbin, daughter of Wilson Barnhart, (this family name is Barnett according to census records of Greene Co. H.S.R.) and widow of Andrew Durbin. Dennis's fourth wife was Elizabeth Rose aged about sixty at the time of her marriage. He was in his seventies. *************** John Murphy John Murphy, West Alexander, 86, died at his home last evening at 6 o'clock, and had been in failing health for some time. He was born in Greene County, Pa., January 2, 1870, a son of Dennis and Susanna Daily Murphy. He engaged in farming in West Finley Twp., until 16 years of age when he removed to West Alexander. He was married in 1891 to Alma Steele, who died April 2, 1949. Surviving are a son, Earl Murphy of West Finley; three daughters, Mrs. Ada Barnhart of Washington, Pa.; Mrs. Ethel Durbin of West Alexander and Mrs. William Wallace of West Finley; a brother, James L. Murphy of Waynesburg; four sisters, Mrs. Lou Pettit of Cleveland; Mrs. Olive Campbell of Charleston, W.Va.; Mrs. Anna Chapman of Barberton, O.; and Mrs. Fanny Ridgely of Wheeling; 20 grand-children and 30 great-grandchildren. He was a member of the Salem Methodist Church of Majorsville. The remains are at the Houghton Funeral Home at West Alexander where services will be held Sunday at 2:30 o'clock by the Rev. Nobel Crew of Paden City. Burial will bein West Finley Cemetery. Alma Bell Murphy Mrs. Alma Bell Murphy, 76, died in her home, Saturday morning,April 2, 1949, at 5:30 o'clock. She had been in ill health for four weeks. Mrs. Murphy, daughter of William and Mary Billick Steele, was born November 22, 1872, in West Finley Township at Majorsville. She had spent all her life in the West Alexander community. In 1891, she was married to John Murphy, Greene County. She was a member of the Salem Methodist Church, Majorsville. She is survived by three daughters, Ada, widow of Herbert Barnhart; Mrs. Ethel Durbin, both of West Alexander; Mrs. William Wallace, West Finley; a son, Earl Murphy, Majorsville, W.Va., and an aunt, Mrs. Margaret McGlumphy, Dallas, W.Va. The Weekly Recorder, page 24, Claysville, Pa.July 17, 1987 (picture) Pictured is Ada P. Barnhart, who quietly celebrated her 96th, birthday on June 1, with flowers and relatives. She says, "I have completed 96 years and an starting on my 97th." Her health is good in all respects. Mrs. Barnhart is the daughter of the late John Murphy and Alma Steele Murphy. A brother, Earl Murphy and a sister, Ethel Durbin are deceased. A sister, Della Wallace, lives in Canton, Ohio. Her very early years were lived in Clokeyville, near what is now Eighty Four and she attended school in West Finley Township. She graduated from California Normal School, now California University of Pennsylvania, and received her Teachers Professional Certificate June 26, 1913. She taught in West Finley Township at Liberty and Cooneytown schools. Then at East Finley, and again in West Finley at Good Intent and Harmony School. At Cooneytown, on Arbor Day, she took all (12 to 15) pupils out to a nearby field where there was a big maple tree surrounded by a lot of little ones. Each pupil dug up a tree, and all were planted around the school yard. As luck would have, they all grew. Several years later, the school was renamed Maple Glen School. On April 22, 1914, she married Herbert W. Barnhart and they lived in the Nebo area of Richhill Township, Greene County. Mr. Barnhart died of a broken back suffered in a sawmill accident on December 4, 1925, soon afterward, Ada moved with her daughters to Wind Ridge, where she lived until the early 1940's. She was very active in Harmony Presbyterian Church, was a member of the King's Daughters Class and taught the older ladies Sunday School Class. She then lived a few years in each of: West Alexander, Washington, and Mt. Clemons, Michigan, before moving to Coolidge, Arizona. Since 1969, she had spent summers with her daughter Leola, (Mrs. George) Eustis, of Washington, and winters with daughter, Josephine (Mrs. Jack) Nichols of Mesa, AZ. Her other children are Helen (Mrs. Harold) Frye of Holbrook, Mary (Mrs. Boyd) Polen, of Phoenix, AZ., and Sarah (Mrs. Frank) Caherty, of Takoma Park, MD. She had 16 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren. Della Murphy Wallace Della Murphy Wallace, 90, of Canton, Ohio, formerly of West Finley, died Tuesday, May 15, 1990, in the Hanover House Nursing Home, Canton. She was born December 8, 1899, in Washington, a daughter of John and Alma Steele Murphy. Mrs. Wallace was a member of Christ United Presbyterian Church, a life member of the YMCA Senior Citizens and a member of the Kitchen Comedy Band for 20 years. She was married to William C. Wallace Sr., who died 1959. Surviving are a son, William C. Wallace Jr. of Canton; and a sister, Ada Barnhart of Phoenix, Ariz. Deceased are a sister, Ethel Durbin; and a brother Earl Murphy. WALLACE--Friends of Della Murphy Wallace of Canton, Ohio, formerly of West Finley, who died Tuesday, May 15, 1990, will be received from 7-9 p.m. Friday at the Kepner Funeral Home, 166 Kruger Street, Elm Grove, Wheeling, W.Va., where services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 19, with the Rev. Robert Hedges officiating. Interment in West Finley Cemetery.(Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durbin of Graysville, have purchased the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Stockdale, of Hargus Creek on Waynesburg, R.D.5.) WIND RIDGE Mrs. Ethel Durbin has moved her household goods from the propertyowned by Mrs. R.L. Bristor and Mrs. Margaret Marsh, in Wind Ridge, to the home of her father, John Murphy of West Alexander. Mrs. Durbin has been employed at the Glenn Martin Airplane Factory, in Baltimore, Md., for some months, Mrs. Durbin's son, Harry, Jr., has enlisted in the Navy, and expectsto enter training in the near future. Another son, Dwight, is stationed in Northern Ireland, and a son-in-law, Merlin Clough, is in Iran. (Apr. 29, 1944) VIDEO Video, Nov. 9, Born to Mr. and Mrs Harry Durbin on Thursday, November 3, 1921, a son. Harry D. Durbin Harry D. Durbin, 75, of 2949 Cherokee Street, West Palm Beach, Fla., formerly of Wind Ridge, died at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 25, 1969. He was born April 25, 1894 in Richhill Township, the son of Jefferson and Anna Supler Durbin. Mr. Durbin was a carpenter and a driller in the gas and oil fields. He spent the early part of his life in Wind Ridge, and had resided in Florida for the last 15 years. Surviving are his wife, Ethel Murphy Durbin, of West Palm Beach, Fla.; three daughters, Mrs. Hazel Kukucka, Mrs. June Clough, Mrs. Mary Lou Stallings, all of Baltimore, Md.; five sons, Dwight, Harold, and Blaine, all of West Alexander; James, of Baltimore, Md.; and Harry Jr., of Waynesburg, R.D.5; 25 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. Goldie Bigler, of Washington. Two brothers and one sisterare deceased. Harold F. Durbin West Alexander area man was constable, drilled wells. Harold F. Durbin, 75, of West Alexander R.D.2, died Friday, October 30, 1992, as a result of a traffic accident in Independence Township. He was born November 24, 1916 ((error, he was born August 24, H.S.D.)) in Majorsville, W.Va., the son of Harry D. and Mary Ethel Murphy Durbin. Mr. Durbin was a member of Jubilee Christian Fellowship Church of Wheeling, W.Va. He was a self-employed well water driller and heavy equipment operator. He was a former member of Pennsylvania Well Drillers Association. Mr. Durbin formerly served as a constable in West Alexander. He played the violin and was a mechanic and fisherman. His wife, Edna Henry Durbin, survives. Also surviving are two foster daughters, Sharon Hamilton of East Finley and Helen Reynolds of West Alexander; two stepsons, Wilford Henry of Port Huron, Mich.; and John Henry of Wheeling; three stepdaughters, June Saulter of Moberily, MO; Sandy Shumaker of Somerset and Nancy McWhorter of Sierra Vista, Ariz.; three brothers, Blaine Durbin and Dwight Durbin, both of West Alexander, and James Durbin of Baltimore, Md.; two sisters, Mary Lou Holland of Delta and June Clough of Lakeland, Fla.; 27 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Deceased are his first wife, Mabel Frye Durbin; a brother, Harry Durbin Jr.; a sister, Hazel McCloud Kakucka; and a grandson, Raymond Charles Hamilton. DURBIN--Friends of Harold F. Durbin of West Alexander R.D.2, who died Friday, October 30, 1992, will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday in Ferrell Funeral Home, Main Street, West Alexander, where services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, November 2, with the Rev. Paul Sitko officiating. Interment in West Alexander Cemetery. Back Mabel Durbin DURBIN, Mabel R., 58, N. Liberty St., West Alexander, died Wednesday at home. She was a retired self-employed beautician, and was a member of the United Presbyterian Church, West Alexander. Surviving are two foster daughters, Mrs. Jerry (Helen) Reynolds of West Alexander and Mrs. Ray (Sharon) Hamilton of Prosperity, Pa.; four sisters, Mrs. David (Opal)Kennedy of Claysville, Mrs. Kenneth (Ruth) Snyder and Margaret Russo, both of Baltimore, and Mrs. Gaylord (Gladys) Wright of Wheeling; two brothers, John Sam Frye of West Alexander and Charles Frye of Triadelphia; six foster grandchildren. Friends received at the Ferrell Funeral Home Inc., Main Street, West Alexander 7-9 p.m. today and 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Friday, where services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday. Interment in West Alexander Cemetery. Births Jerry and Helen Reynolds of West Alexander, Pa., are the parents of a 6 lb. baby girl, born in Washington, Pa. hospital, Dec. 8. Grandparents are Jerry and Donna Applegarth of Walnut avenue, Moundsville, Harold and Edna Durbin of West Alexander, Pa. Great grandparents are Donald and Bessie Reynolds of 42 Oak Avenue, Moundsville.