The Fawner/Fonners of Greene County Pa.

Greene County Courthouse Records


Greene County, Orphan Court Docket 3, 1847 to 1854
, Charles, pg. 23
FONNER, Elizabeth, pg. 23,
FONNER, Henry, pg. 155
FONNER, Jackson, pg. 23
FONNER, James, pgs. 111, 134
FONNER, Lindsey, pg. 23
FONNER, Margaret, pg. 23
FONNER, Mary, pg. 23
FONNER, Mathias, pg. 23
FONNER, Rebecca, pg. 23

Old Bates Fork Cemetery, Morris Township above Swart on Fonner Run, former location of Bates Fork Baptist Church
FONNER, James d. 3-19-1874 80yr.25da.
FONNER, Elizabeth, wife of James, d. 6-25-1866 67yrs.
FONNER, Jane, d. 5-29-1878 30th yr.

Freeport, Jackson and Springhill Townships, Vol. 6.
Hutchinson Cemetery, Springhill Township

FONNER, Maria d. 11-14-1898 9yr.
FONNER, Thomas H. d. 1-4-1899 14yrs.
Two Fonner children on marker with Mary Masters
FONNER, Jesse b.& d. 4-14-1897 s/o G.W.& F.H. Fonner
FONNER, James B. b. 8-14-1870
FONNER, Jane E. b. 10-9-1870 d. 7-23-1953
FONNER, William T. b. 3-27-1899 d. 3-17-1908 s/o J.B. & E. Fonner
FONNER, George, PVT Co B. 101 regt. Pa. Vol. b. 5-5-1820 d. 9-4-1893
FONNER, Lucinda d. 4-19-1904 82yrs.2mo.4da.

Valley Chapel Cemetery, Jackson Township, 2 miles sw of Holbrook, along Rt. 18
FONNER, Elizabeth d. 9-10-1872 15yrs.11mo.22da. d/o G.& L. Fonner

Gray Richhill Township, Vol. II
Fonner Cemetery
, up Whitethorn Run, Bristoria, Pa.
FONNER, William R. b. 9-5-1824
FONNER, Eliza Rail, wife of William R. b. 9-18-1823 d. 6-25-1897
FONNER, James d. 2-11-1862 4yrs.10mo.7da.
FONNER, Henry d. 9-27-1851
FONNER, Abigail b. 5-30-1792 d. 6-25-1849

Early Greene Co. Marriages, Marriage Records taken from Docket 'A'
#200, October 11, 1856:
David Anderson
to Abigail FONNER, 1.00
pg. 10:
#266, April 23, 1859:
Isaac Crofs
, to Rebecca FONNER, 2.00

Marriages Compiled from Greene County, Pa. Records, 1780-1885-Zollars

pg. 1

, James J. of Diller, NB, by Rev. W.M. Ryan, September 20, 1883 to Lizzie FONNER, of Washington Township, d/o James FONNER
pg. 12:
FONNER, Edgar F., of
California, Pa., by Rev. J.M. Howard, 9-May.1880 to Eliza Rimmel, of California, Pa.
pg. 26:
, Miles, of Jackson Township, by Rev. William Wallace, 7-Feb.1885, s/o John & Jane Simpson Meek, to Hannah J. FONNER, of Richhill Township, d/o William R. & Eliza Rail FONNER

History of Greene Co., Pa. by Samuel Bates
, pg. 805

William Loughman
, West Union, Penn., was born in Morris township, this county, October 22, 1822, and is a son of David and Christine (FONNER) Loughman. His mother was born in Ireland. His father, who was of German origin is a native of Maryland. He spent most of his life as a farmer in Greene Co., Penn., where he died in Morris Township. William, the second in a family of seven children, was reared on the home farm, and attended the district schools. He chose farming as an occupation, and when twenty-one years of age, he received from his father, seventy acres of land, which, through industry and a strong determination to succeed, he had increased to 400 acres, well stocked and improved. Mr. Loughman has been twice married; first, in 1846, to Mary J., d/o William Day, and they were the parents of three children-Lucretia A., Elymus and Irvin. Their mother died in 1852. For his second wife, Mr. Loughman married Elizabeth, d/o John and Mary (Miller) Longdon, and widow of Harrison Conger. Her parents were natives of Washington Co., and of English descent. To Mr. and Mrs. Loughman have been born three children: Hannah C., w/o John Conger; Alice, w/o John Auld, and John G. Mrs. Loughman is a member of the Mt. Herman Baptist Church; and her husband is a Cumberland Presbyterian, in which church, he has been an elder for sixteen years, and has also served as superintendent of the sabbath school. Mrs. Loughman stands high in the community as an enterprising citizen and a sound businessman. He never sued, or was sued by anyone.

page 833, Richhill Township
William R. FONNER, retired farmer and stockgrower, was born in Morris Township, Greene Co., Penn., September 5, 1824. He is a son of Henry and Abigail (Taylor
) Fonner, who were of German and English descent. His father was a teacher in early life, in later years, a farmer. He came across the mountains and settled in Greene County in 1801, and died in 1851, at the age of seventy-five years. William R. Fonner is the fourth in a family of seven children, six of whom grew to be men and women. He received his education in the schools of the county. In his business as a farmer, he has ever exercised good judgement and practical economics and now owns a fine farm of 200 acres, in Richhill township, where he now enjoys a life of retirement. In July of 1849, Mr. Fonner married Eliza, d/o Samuel and Nancy (Flick) Rail, and they had a family of two sons, both now, deceased and two daughters,-Mary Ann, w/o Daniel Miller, and Hannah J., w/o Miles Meek. In religion, Mr. Fonner is a Baptist, in politics a Republican.

pg. 863, Washington Township
G.W. Durbin
, farmer, Sycamore, Penn., was born in Morris township, Greene Co., December 20, 1849, a s/o Enoch and Mary Durbin, (neeStanger). His father and mother were natives of Richhill and Morris Townships, respectively. They remained in their county after their marriage, Mrs. Durbin departing this life in 1866. Sometime after her death, Mr. Durbin contracted a second marriage, with Miss Eliza Hopkins, and now resides in Washington Township. George W. Durbin chose as his live partner, September 11, 1875, Miss Jennie L. FONNER, who was born in Morris Township, November 4, 1854, a d/o James and Eliza FONNER, (nee Taylor). Her parents were natives of Greene County, where they were married and lived until Mr. Fonner's death, March 16, 1885. His widow is still living. To Mr. and Mrs. Durbin have been born five children-James R., Lizzie B., Albert F., Charlie B., and Maggie E. Mr. Durbin is a farmer by occupation and has made that his life work. He is the possessor of a 100-acre farm on which he and family reside. Both he and wife are consistent members of the Bates' Fork Baptist Church; and he is a leading educator of the school board, taking interest in the educational officers of the township

pg. 870-871
Joseph H. Pettit
, farmer, Swart's, Penn., was born in Washington Township, Greene Co., May 6, 1837, a s/o Isaac and Cynthia Pettit (neeHathaway), who were natives of Greene Co., where they remained until their deaths. She departed this live in 1873, and her husband in 1881. December 13, 1862, Joseph H. Pettit was united in marriage with Elizabeth Hedge, born in Greene County, February 2, 1846. She is a d/o Aaron and Eve Hedge, (neeFONNER), natives of the same county, both deceased. The latter departed this life April, 1888. Mr. and Mrs. Pettit are the parents of eight children, six of whom are living-Laura, Jessie, Cynthia, Martha, George and Bert; and Eva and Mary, deceased. Having been reared on a farm, Mr. Pettit has made farming his occupation through life, and owns 148 acres of land where he and his family, live. Mrs. Pettit is one of the faithful members of the Baptist Church.

pg. 871
John Ross
, retired farmer, Dunn's Station, Penn.-The subject of this biographical sketch is one of the pioneer citizens of Washington Township, Greene Co., born on his present farm, November 3, 1820. He is the eldest child of Thomas Ross, a native of this county, who died in 1832. His mother's maiden name was Hannah Denney, a native of Jefferson Township, who after marriage resided in Washington Township, until her death in 1847. They were the parents of seven children, of whom three are living. John Ross married Miss Maria Loughman, October 7, 1847. She was born September 20, 1825, in Morris Township, of which her parents, David and Christina (FONNER) Loughman were also natives and residents therein, until their death. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross have eight children-Hannah B., w/o John Kendall, David, Mary J., Lydia, w/o John W. Kelley, Timothy, Christina A., Maria I., and William, (deceased). Mr. Ross was born and raised on the farm which he now resides, and like his ancestors, has made farming and stock raising his business through life. His home farm consists of 237 acres of excellent land. He has most acceptably filled the offices of auditor and assessor of this township, and served as a member of the most prominent members of the Baptist Church.

Quoted from Vol. 2, pp 436-437. Hennen's Choice, by Dorothy T. Hennen. The book can possibly be purchased at the Eva K. Bolby Library, in Waynesburg, Pa.
The Fonner family is of German ancestry and it would appear that the members of this family in which we are interested lived for some time in
New Jersey, then removed to Northumberland County, Pa. About 1804 two Fonner brothers brought their families across the Allegheny Mountains from near Sunbury (Northumberland Co.) and took up residence in Greene County, Pa. These brothers were likely Henry and William Fonner; the latter settled in Morgan (now Washington) township near the Lone Oak Church. In 1805 William Fonner and wife, Catharine, sold their land on Ruff's Creek (having obtained it from George Huffman 6-2-1804) to Jacob Johns; both William and Catharine signed this deed. About 1820 William Fonner purchased a tract of land in Morris Township, from Luke Walpole, and removed his family there.
The census for Greene County in 1810 shows Henry Fonner in Morris Township where both he and his wife were over 45 years of age; in their household were three males 16-26 years of age, a male 10-16 years of age and a female under 10 years of age. This family does not appear again in Greene County census records. This same census shows William Fonner in Morgan Township and both he and his wife were over 45 years of age; their household included a male and a female 16-26 years of age, two males 10-16 years of age and a female under 10 years of age. We are able to follow through with this family of William Fonner in later census records.
William Fonner and wife, Sarah, conveyed a portion of their land on the Bates Fork branch of Tenmile Creek (having been obtained from Luke Walpole 8-1-1820) to Isaac Oaks
10-23-1826. The same year William Fonner and wife, Sarah, conveyed another portion of land to James Fonner; on these latter deeds William signed his name while Sarah made her mark. In the census of 1820 the neighbors of William Fonner were Silas Clark, John Hair, Isaac Oaks and Amos Dyal. Not far distant was Henry Fonner in his own household.
William Fonner, parentage unknown, born before 1765; died Morris Twp., Greene Co., Pa. after 1826; married (1) Catharine ____, before 1765; died Greene Co., Pa. 1805-10; (2) Sarah ____, further data not determined. Burial places unknown.
William and Catharine Fonner resided in Morgan Township, Greene County, Pa.; William and Sarah resided in Morris Township, same county. William Fonner was a farmer. This name is also spelled Fawner in some records found.
Probable children of William and Catharine Fonner:
1. Henry Fonner married Abigail Taylor
2. James Fonner married Elizabeth Loughman
3. Christena Fonner married David Loughman
4. Ryaneer Fonner married Margaret ____
5. John Fonner married ____ Conger

1. Henry Fonner, probable son of William and Catharine Fonner, born Pa., about 1788; died in Richhill Township, Greene Co., Pa., 9-27-1851; married Abigail Taylor, of George and Margaret (Wolverton
) Taylor, born Washington Co., Pa. 5-30-1792; died Richhill Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 6-25-1849. Both are buried in the Fonner Cemetery, near Bristoria, Pa.
Children of Henry & Abigail (Taylor) Fonner:

     2. James Fonner, s/o William and Catharine Fonner, born Pa. 1794; died Morris Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 3-19-1874, age 80 yrs. and 25 days.; married Elizabeth Loughman, of Frederick and Catherine Loughman, born Pa. about 1798; died Morris Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 6-25-1866, age 67 yrs. Both are buried in the Old Bates Fork Baptist Cemetery, near Swarts, Pa. James and Elizabeth  Fonner resided throughout their married life in Morris Township, Greene Co., Pa. on land which James purchased from his father, James was a most successful farmer and sheep raiser.(pp. 431 above mentioned book
Children of James & Elizabeth Fonner:
            1. Lucinda Fonner m. Richard Iams .
            2. Christena Fonner m. Samuel Moninger.
            3. Eva Fonner m.(1) ____ Hedge  (2) John McCullough.
            4. William Fonner m. Jane _____
            5. Frederick Fonner m. Eleanor Penn.
            6. James Fonner Jr. m. Eliza Taylor.
                Children of James & Eliza Fonner:
                1. Lucinda Jane Fonner b. 11-4-1854
                 m. George W. Durbin
                2. Elizabeth Fonner b. 1857
                 m. James Adams
                3. Thomas Fonner b. 1859
                 m. Phoebe Huffman
                4. Albert Elsworth Fonner b. 1862/1-18-1863
                5. Randolph Fonner 1864
            7. Philip Fonner m. Letitia _____.
            8. Elizabeth Fonner m. Samuel McCarrel.
            9. Jane Fonner never married.
3. Christena Fonner, daughter of William and Catharine Fonner, born Pa. 3-7-1800; died Morris Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 11-4-1864; married David Loughman, of Frederick and Catherine Loughman, born Pa. 7-16-1796; died Morris Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 12-31-1870. Both are buried in the West Union Cemetery, at West Union, Pa. pp.433-435 above mentioned book.
Children of David & Christena Loughman
            1. William Loughman 10-22-1820/3-5-1903
             m1. Mary Jane Day (d/o William) 3-28-1822/
                5-4-1852. He:
             m2. Mrs. Elizabeth Conger (wid/o Harrison)
                (d/o John & Mary (Miller) Longdon 7-12-1828/
                2-4-1916. All three bur. C.P.Church Cem.,
               at West Union, Pa. He was a farmer.
               Children of William & Mary Jane Loughman
                  1. Lucetta Loughman m. Jacob Ely.
                  2. Elmas Loughman m. Mary Jane Lewis
                  3. Irvin Loughman never married.
                  4. Hannah Loughman m. John Conger.
                  5. Alice Loughman m. John T. Auld
                  6.  John Gipson Loughman m. Dora Belle Dunn.
            2. Frederick K. Loughman b. 6-26-1822/8-13/1890
             m. Emeline M. Meek (d/o Elisha & Jerusha (Cary)
                Meek) b. 1-1-1831/4-17-1910 Both bur. C.P.
                Church Cem. at West Union, Pa.
                  1. Maria Loughman m. Hamilton Dunn.
                  2. Caroline Loughman m. John B. Carter.
                  3. William Allison Loughman m. Ella Day.
                  4. David Smith Loughman m. Olive Conger.
            3. Francis Loughman 1824/3-16-1846 (aged 22 yr)
             m. Elizabeth Hunt Both bur. C.P. Church cem.
               West Union, Pa.
                  1. Silas Loughman m. Minerva Jane Walker.
                  2. Louisa Maud Loughman n, George Acklin.
                  3. Francis Loughman.
            4. Maria Loughman 9-20-1825/12-6-1897 m. 10-7-
             1847, m. John Ross, (s/o Thomas & Hannah 
             (Denny) Ross) 11-3-1820/6-26-1895. Both bur.
              Bethlehem Baptist Church Cem. at Ruff's
              Creek, Pa., where they resided. He was a 
                 1. Hannah Ross m1. Thomas B. Jones 
                  m2. John Kendall.
                 2. David Ross m. Hannah Patton.
                 3. Mary J. Ross m. John McCracken.
                 4. Lydia Ross m. John Kelly.
                 5. Timothy Ross m. Emma Gregory.
                 6. Christena Ross m. Albert Smith.
                 7. Isabell Ross m. William Bennett.
            5. Electa Loughman 3-30-1838/3-10/1911
             m. Joseph Thompson 11-7-1822/4-25-1865. Both
             bur. C.P.Church Cem., West Union, Pa.
                 1. Francis Thompson m. Lucinda Moninger.
                 2. Mary Thompson.
                 3. Maria Samantha Thompson m. Benjamin F. Miller.
                 4. Daniel Milton Thompson m. Ellen Jane Moninger.
                 5. Joseph Bentley Thompson.
            6. Mary Loughman 1830-1897,
              m. John Jennings, Jr. (s/o John & Jane)
                 1. Adaline Jennings.
                 2. George Jennings.
                 3. Samuel Jennings.
            7. Silas Ayers Loughman b. Morris Twp. Greene Co
              Pa. 9-11-1834 d. 6-19-1908 m. 12-27-1856
             m. Anna Millikin (d/o David & Lydia (Rodgers)
                1. Ross Loughman m. Arabella Hughes.
                2. Mary Jane "Jennie" Loughman m. William Lindsay
                   Shape (the grandparents of M. James Hennen
                3. Lyda Ann Loughman m. Albert Conger.
                4. Maud Loughman m. Robert L. Summersgill.
                5. Timothy R. Loughman m. Laura Minton.
                6. Leroy Woods Loughman, died young.
                7. Fanny Gertrude Loughman m. David H. Jenkins.
4. Ryaneer Fonner, probably son of William and Catharine Fonner, born Pa. 1790-1800; died Richhill Twp., Greene Co., Pa 1835-40; married Margaret _____, born Pa. 1800; died after 1870. Burial places undetermined.
Ryaneer and Margaret resided in Richhill Twp., Greene Co., Pa. where he was a farmer.
Children of Ryaneer & Margaret Fonner:
           1. Matthias Fonner
           2. Charles Fonner married Mary ____
           3. Jackson Fonner
           4. Elizabeth Fonner married Jesse Nuzum.
           5. Mary Fonner married Jefferson Billick.
           6. Lindsay Fonner
           7. Rebecca Fonner married Isaac Cross.
5. John Fonner lived in Morris Township around 1830; further records have not been found.
Children of John Fonner:
Probably incomplete
           1. Mary Fonner
           2. William Fonner
           3. Experience Fonner
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