The Ruse Family History of Greene County, Pennsylvania I. _______1 RUSE m. ______ ?Barr 1A. Richard2 {Dick} RUSE m. ? 2A. Jake2 RUSE m. ? 1B. Arlie3 RUSE Greene County, Pa. 2-Apr.1879 3A. Cora Lee2 RUSE (aged 96 yrs.) 5-Sep.1875 m. Harry Dean 1B. Mabel3 DEAN m1. Cephas Fox 1C. Leona4 FOX (res. Fredericktown, Pa.) m. ______ Polling 2C. James L.4 FOX (res. Texas) 3C. Fannie L.4 FOX (res. Cleveland, Ohio) m. ______ Perillo 4C. Carlton H.4 FOX (res. Cleveland, Ohio) 5C. William P.4 FOX(res. Cleveland, Ohio) Cora Lee had 19 great-grandchildren at time of death m2. Walter Fox 6C. Carl E.4 FOX (res. Cleveland, Ohio) 4A. Clara2 RUSE 1939 1875 m. Reason Calvert Dean (more) 31-Oct.1949 1B. Lizzie3 DEAN m. ______ Laschimsky 2B. Hazel3 DEAN m. Paul Watters (res. Carmichaels, Pa.) 3B. Martha3 DEAN m. James Slonnager (res. Waynesburg, Pa.) 4B. Laura3 DEAN m. ____ Hostettler 1C. Clara4 HOSTETTLER m. Irvin Yoders 1D. Jo Boy5 YODERS (female) m. _____ Fuller 2D. Donald5 YODERS (dec'd) 3D. (male) 5B. Donald3 DEAN m. 6B. Lindsey3 DEAN (res. Carmichaels,Pa.) 7B. Marjorie Dawn3 DEAN 8B. Russell3 DEAN 9B. Emaline3 DEAN 5A. Barr2 RUSE m1. Elizabeth Stickles 1B. Joseph Johnson3 RUSE 30-Jan.1952 m. Ella Null 1C. Hattie Grace4 {Sis} RUSE m. Dave Kefover 1D. Albert5 KEFOVER m. _____ Headley 23-May.1917 2C. Melissa Bell4 RUSE m. Arthur Crile Hamilton among others: 1D. Raymond Hugh5 HAMILTON (bro-in-law) 3-Apr.1888 6A. Benjamin F.2 RUSE MuddyCreek19-Sep.1967 7-Jun.1899 m. Sarah Harvey " 2-Jun.1967 1B. Margaret3 RUSE m. _____ Mahan 2B. Meryle3 RUSE m. Lee Cole Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hamilton Reunion (from Melissa Ruse Hamilton) R.D.1 Rices Landing, Pa. Attending: 1. Mr. & Mrs. William T. Fosbough & children, John, William Jr., Jerry, Charles, & Robert of Laborary, Pa. 2. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hamilton & sons, Robert & Mitchell of Belton, Kans. 3. Mrs. Alberta Lutell & family Shirley, David Jr., & Nancy. 4. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Pickens & Billy of Niles, Ohio. 5. Lulu Pickens, of Waynesburg, Pa. 6. Mr. & Mrs. William Ruse & children, Ella, Leonard, Dolly, Mildred, & Billy of Carmichaels. 7. Mrs. Leonard Pyles, & children, Martha, Laverne, Dorothy, Esther & Carl, of Somerset. 8. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Ruse of Waynesburg. 9. Virgil Hamilton, of Central Station, W.Va. 10. Laura Hostettler, of Carmichaels. 11. Carl Fox of Kirby. 12. Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton & sons, Raymond, Ronald & Arthur. Family Reunion 19-Jul.1953. 1. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Foxbough & sons, Robert, John, Wiliam Jr., Gerry & Charles, Library, Pa. 2. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hamilton, & sons, Robert Jr. & Mitchell, of Belton, TX. 3. Mrs. Alberta Lucett & family. Shirley, David Jr. & Nancy, of Findleyville, Pa. 4. Mr. & Mrs. William Russell Pickens & son, Billy. Nee and Cortland Road, Box 286, Niles, Ohio. 5. Mrs. Lulu Mae Pickens (deceased) 144 1/2 W. High street, Waynesburg, Pa. 6. Mr. Virgil Hamilton, Box 64, Central Station, W.Va. 7. Howard Hamilton (Art Hamilton's brother) 8. George Hamilton, (Virgil's son, and the actor) 9. Art Hamilton, (Ray's father) 10. Mr. William Ruse & Betty & children, Ella, Leonard, Dollie, Mildred & Billy. Carmichaels, Pa. 11. Mrs. Leonard Pyle, Martha, Laverne, Dorothy, Ester & Earl. 12. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Ruse (now deceased) 13. Mrs. Laura Hostettler (now deceased) 14. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fox & son, Carl. Ones that didn't come: Mr. & Mrs. David Kefover & son. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Watters ( Paul now deceased) Mr. Linsey Dean & family. Mr. Buck Dean & family. Mrs. Lizzie Dean & family. Mrs. Martha Slonager & family. Laura Jane & Mandy Lee Pickens. Ray Stickles family. Howard Hamilton (Art's brother) Sara Ann Masters & son. Mrs. Nuelia Ott & family. Mabel Dean & family. (Uncle) & Hazel Samson. (Uncle) Bert Glover & family. Mrs. Clara Yoders & children. Dolores Irvin & Emma. Mr. & Mrs. Earl C. Ott & Roger Lee. Mrs. George Garrison. Mrs. Charles Lascheresky. Obituaries: Mrs. James Sloneker Mrs. Martha Jane Sloneker, 53 yrs., wife of James Sloneker, of Waynesburg, died Thursday, January 30, 1958, in Greene County Memorial Hospital. She was a daughter of Reason & Clara (Ruse) Dean, and was born April 10, 1904, in Whiteley township. Surviving are her husband, one son, Thomas Edward Sloneker, of Brave; three daughters, Mrs. Paul Roupe of Brave,; Mrs. Hazel Frances Lapone of Waynesburg, and Mrs. Thelma Marie Roupe of Graysville; two brothers, Lindsey Dean, residing in Ohio and Russel Dean of Garrards Fort, and three sisters, Mrs. Laura Hostettler of Carmichaels; Mrs. Elizabeth Klyschinsky of Nemacolin, and Mrs. Hazel Waters of Carmichaels. Funeral services were held Saturday in the Weaver Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. James Reed. Interment in Jefferson Cemetery. Mrs. Sarah Ann Masters Birth: 26-Dec.1869 Death: 5-May.1954 Services: Sunday, 9-May.1954 1:30 p.m. at Sand Hill Church of Christ. Officiating Clergyman: Evangelist, L.J. Nicklas. Final Resting Place: Sand Hill Cemetery. Arrangements by Garrett L. Hunt. Mrs. Cora Lee Dean, aged 96 yrs. of 104 West High Street, died at 2:30 p.m. Friday, September 5, 1975 in her home at High and Morris Street. She had been ill for the past three months. Mrs. Dean was the widow of Harry Dean, and had resided most of her life at Waynesburg. She was a member of the First Church of the Nazarene. She was a daughter of Barr Ruse (ggfather of Ray) and Elizabeth (Stickels) Ruse and was born April 2, 1879 in Greene County. Surviving are a daughter, Mabel Dean Fox, with whom she resided; seven grandchildren, Mrs. Leona Polling, of Fredericktown, Pa.; James L. Fox of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Fannie L. Perillo of Waynesburg, Pa.; Carlton H. Fox of Cleveland, Ohio and 19 gt. grandchildren. Services, Monday, September 8, 1975 at 3:00 p.m. in the Samuel P. Weaver Funeral Home, officiating clergymand, Rev. Allen Pebly. Pallbearers: Richard Roberts; Raymond Foster; Jack Tedrow; Hugh Tennant; Chuck Rogers; Timothy Dasher. Interment: Rosemont Cemetery, Rogersville, Pa. Funeral Services: For Joseph Johnson Ruse, lifelong resident of Greene Township, who died Wednesday night, January 30, 1952, will be held 2 p.m. Saturday, February 2, at the Weaver Funeral Home, 182 West High Street, Waynesburg. Rev. O.W. Bottom. Burial Green Mount Cemetery. Researched 18-Nov.1983. Greene County Census Records 1850-Cumberland twp., (HH# 127/131) all b. Pa. 1812 I. William RUSE (farmer) (age-38) 1812 m. Sarah 1835 1A. John RUSE (age-15) 1839 2A. Sarah RUSE (age-11) 20-Jun.1870 Whiteley twp. (all b. Pa.)(farmer) ($4,400$1,00) 1827 I. Resin Keenden? (HH#24/24) 1847 m. Clarinda Jan.1870 5/12 1A. Joseph Kennden 1854-Pa. Eliza RUSE -domestic servant- 23-Jun.1870-Whiteley twp. (Boot & Shoemaker pp$700) 1835-Pa.I. John RUSE 1838-Pa. m. Emaline (houskeeper) 1868 1A. Mary E. RUSE 1851-WVa. John Watson (Boot &Shoemaker pp$600) 24-Jun.1870 Whiteley twp.(all b. Pa.) 1833 I. Christian RUSE (Carpenter-pp$700) 1844 m. Margaret J. (housekeeper) 1864 1A. Jesse L. RUSE 1867 2A. Million G. RUSE Jun.1870 3A. Christian P. RUSE (1/12) 21-Jun.1870 Franklin twp., Waynesburg, Pa. I. all born PA. m. Elizabeth (__) Ruse 1829 1A. William RUSE R. E. $20,,000 p.p. $2,300 1839 m. Lucy 1862 1B. John RUSE 1868 2B. Albert RUSE 1870 Waynesburg, Pa. farmer, $10,000 $1,000 all born Pa. 1845 I. William RUSE 1844 m. Mariah 1869 1A. William RUSE (1/12 in 1870 census) 6-Jun.1870 Cumberland twp., Carmichaels town all b. PA. 1812 I. William RUSE carpenter (HH#100/96) $300pp 1820 m. Sarah (houskeeping) 1842 1A. Sarah RUSE (at home 1870) 1844/5 2A. Elias RUSE (boot & shoemaker $1,00-$300) 1848/6 3A. Jesiah/Josiah R. RUSE (blacksmith) 1849 4A. Emeline RUSE 1842 I. William L. RUSE (Wagonmaker) ($200-$600) 1846-Va. m. Orpha all b. Pa. 1866 1A. Minnie J. RUSE 1868 2A. Myers J. RUSE (male) Dec.1869 3A. Mistle A. RUSE (female) 1852-Pa. Perry Cauly (Laborer at Wagon Factory) 1852-Pa. Jane Stewart (domestic servant) 21-Jun.1870 (twp ommited) all b. Pa. I. 1829 m. Elizabeth (__) Ruse (housekeeper-pp $40) 1853 1A. Benjamin L. RUSE 1862 2A. Stephen RUSE 3A. Hannah RUSE 27-Jun.1870 (twp ommited) all b. Pa. (HH# 68/66) 1834 I. Wesley Rinehart (farmer-R.E. $3,150 pp-$1,300) 1841 m. Sarah 1865 1A. Allice M. Rinehart 1867 2A. Arthur Rinehart 1869 3A. Albert Rinehart 1856 John Clark, (works on farm) 1852 Rachel RUSE (domestic servant) 4-June.1880 Cumberland Twp. 71/71 RUSE, Benjamin 58 yr. Laborer b. Pa. par b. Fa:Va. Mo.:Va. , Mariah 54 wife, Houskeeping , Mary 15 daughter , Hettie 13 daughter , Spencer 18 son Laborer 1-Jun.1880 Greene twp. Census 7/7 RUSE, John 45yr. Shoemaker Pa. Pa. Pa. , Emeline 42 wife Housekeeping Pa. All , Milton 5 son BLAKER, Sarah 38 sister in law (single) 29/29 RUSE, Samuel 75 laborer Pa. Va. Va. (b. 1806) , Phebe 65 wife Pa. Pa. Pa. (b. 1815) , Abraham 32 son laborer Pa. all (b. 1848) , Henry 21 son laborer (b. 1859) , Anna 19 daughter (b. 1867) Irland, Lizzie 7 grand-daughter (b. 1873) Porter, Lerington 3 grand-daughter (b. 1877) 3-Jun.1880 Greene twp. 48/48 RUSE, William 67 farm laborer Pa.Va.Va. (b. 1813) , Sarah 67 wife Housekeeping Pa.Pa.Pa. (b. 1813) 49/49 RUSE, Joseph 33 Blacksmith Pa. Pa.Pa. all (b. 1847) , Deliah J.27 wife (b. 1853) , George K. 8 son (b. 1872) , Bertha S. 6 daughter (b. 1874) , Charles S.4 son (b. 1876) , Adie B. 2 daughter (b. 1878) 4-Jun.1880 Greene twp. 50/50 RUSE, Cris C. 43 carpenter Pa.Pa.Pa. (b. 1837) , Margaret 38 housekeeping Pa. all (b. 1842) , Jesse S. 16 carpenter (b. 1864) , William G.13 at home (b. 1867) , Harry S. 5 (b. 1875) , Olford F. 3 son (b. 1878) 51/51 RUSE, Elias 37 shoemaker Pa.Pa.Pa. all , Orpha , Minnie , Myers (son) , Myrtle S.10 daughter , Glen W. 8 son , Raymer 5 son Also listed under 4-Jun.1880 Greene Twp [Could be above family?] 1843-Pa. I. Elias RUSE (shoemaker)(HH#51/51) 1858-Pa. m. Sarepth Jun.1879-Pa. 1A. Winona RUSE ( 9/12) 4-Jun.1880 Greene Twp (HH# 57/57) all b. Pa. 1842 I. Thomas RUSE (wagonmaker) m. Orpha 1A. Minnie RUSE 2A. Myers RUSE (son) 1870 3A. Myrtle S. RUSE 1872 4A. Glen W. RUSE 1875 5A. Raymer RUSE 8-Jun.1880 Greene twp. (Solomon listed as Insane, maimed or crippled) 113/114 RUSE, Solomon 45 coal digger Pa.Pa.Pa. all (b. 1835) , Fannie 39 wife housekeeping (b. 1841) , Milton S. 18 son, laborer (b. 1862) , Miranda 16 (maimed or crippled) (b. 1864) , Jennie 12 (maimed - in school) (b. 1868) , Charles 8 (b. 1872) , Ora 6 (son) (b. 1872) , Birdie S.3 daughter (b. 1877) , Therissa S. 8/12 Oct. (b. Oct.1879) 9-Jun.1880 Greene twp. all b. PA. Children and parents 1856 I. John Miller (laborer) 1859 m. Nancy (houskeeper) 1867 Hester RUSE (sister-in-law) 9-Jun.1900 Cumberland twp.(all b. Pa. unless otherwise stated inc. parents) Sep.1842 I. Jacob RUSE (day-laborer) (HH#66/67) Jun.1857 m. Louisa in 1878 (rents home) Apr.1882-WVa 1A. Lanna RUSE Mar.1886 " 2A. Florence RUSE Jun.1889-Pa. 3A. Lloyd RUSE Sep.1891-Pa. 4A. Floyd RUSE Jan.1895-Pa. 5A. Viola RUSE 6A. 21-Jun.1900 Center Twp.(all b. Pa. unless otherwise stated inc. parents) Jan.1846 I. Josiah RUSE (HH#. 37/37)WV>WV>WV. Sep.1852 m. Delila m. 1872 Jan.1888-Pa 1A. Clara M. RUSE Sep.1885-Pa. 2A. Harry A. RUSE Oct.1887-Pa. 3A. Jessie P. RUSE Oct.1891-Pa. 4A. Nellie B. RUSE May.1894-Pa. 5A. Clyde RUSE 6A. 7A. 8A. 9A. 10A. 5-14-Jun.1900 Greensboro borough. (HH# 92/96) Feb.1860 I. Stephen RUSE May.1866 m. Margaret m. 1880 Mar.1886 1A. Rosa RUSE Jul.1888 2A. Bernie RUSE (male) Jan.1891 3A. Anna RUSE Aug.1897 4A. George RUSE 5A. 6A. (deceased) 7A. (Dec'd) 8A. ( " ) Pa>WV>WV Jan.1827 Elizabeth RUSE (mother) 4 children 2 still living. 29-Apr.1910 Cumberland twp. all b. Pa. I. Jacob RUSE (age 61) m. Luisie (age 52) (m. 32 yrs) had 7 children 1A. Floyd RUSE (age 19) 2A. Olla RUSE (age 15) 3A. Arlie RUSE (age 8) 27-Apr.1910 Dunkard twp. all b. Pa. I. Lloyd RUSE farmer (age 22) m. Nannie (m. 1 yr) (age 30) 16-Apr.1910 Waynesburg Boro , High St. all b. Pa. I. Stephen RUSE (lab.of odd jobs)(age 59) (age 43) m. Margaret (m. 29 yrs) (12 ch-6 living) (age 22) 1A. Bennie RUSE (laborer-odd jobs) 2A. Annie C. RUSE (age 19) 3A. Oliver G. RUSE (age 12) 4A. Lyda E. RUSE (age 8) 5A. Julia M. RUSE (age 3) 6A. Raymond C. RUSE (age 1 1/4) 15-Apr.1910 Greene twp. all b. Pa. I. William T. RUSE (age 67) m. Orpha (m 45 yrs.) 5 children (age 63) Essie O. Skiles (single age 21-Housekeeper-private family) 27-Apr.1910 Greene twp. all b. Pa. I. Oliver J. RUSE (age 60) m. Barbary (m. 39 yrs) (aged 80) 1 child 25-Apr.1910 Greene twp. all b. Pa. I. Bayard M. RUSE (cant r or w) (age 58) m. Elizabeth L. (aged 50) 1A. Benjamin F. RUSE (aged 16) 26-Apr.1910 Monongahela twp. PA>PA>PA> I. Elias RUSE (m. 2x's) (age 66) PA>MD>PA> m. 27 yrs. m. Rachel (m. 1x) (1 child) (age 67) PA>PA>PA> 1A. Carl C. RUSE (age 25)(housepainter) PA>MD>PA> Emma Wright (mother-in-law) (has own income) This family appeared in 1850; 1860 & 13-Jun.1870 census: 1810/08-Va. I. Samuel RUSE (farmer-stonemaker-Carmichaels) 1822/15-Pa. m. Phebe (houskeeper) 1837 1A. Solomon RUSE 1838/40 2A. Elizabeth RUSE 1840/41 3A. Marandi RUSE 1843/44 4A. Clarissa RUSE (Clarinda-1850) 1845/46 5A. Hannah Jane RUSE 1847/49 6A. Abraham/Abbott RUSE 1852/50 7A. Rhoda RUSE 1856 8A. Henry RUSE 1860 9A. Amy E. RUSE 1853 10A. Sarah E. RUSE 1853 11A. Weenny RUSE (male) 1859 12A. Barhenny RUSE (female) 4/12 This family appeared in 1850; 7-Jun.1860; 3-Jun.1870 census/ v-below) (/v-above Cumberland twp-Carmichaels) I. 1785-Pa. m. Hannah (housekeeper) 1822-Pa. 1A. Benjamin RUSE (can't write) 1823-Pa. m. Mariah (can't read or write) 1846/7-Pa.1B. Jacob RUSE 1849/44 " 2B. Elizabeth RUSE (houskeeper-1870) 1849/8-Pa.3B. Margaret RUSE 1850-Pa. 4B. Abatha RUSE 1842-Pa. 5B. Daniel Hamilton RUSE 1853-Pa. 6B. Rachael RUSE (2/12 in 1850) 1856/5-Pa.7B. Elisa RUSE 1853-Pa. 8B. Abiah RUSE 1857-Pa. 9B. Pleasant J. {Plesy} RUSE 1861-Pa. 10B. Nancy RUSE 1863-Pa. 11B. Mary RUSE 1859-Pa. 12B. Spencer B. RUSE (12B.couldn't read or write in 1870) 1867-Pa. 13B. Eddie RUSE