Subject: Huffman Geocites website Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 16:53:19 -0400 From: "Kenneth King" [] To: "SusiCP" [] CC: "Helen_in_Pa_" [] Dear Cousins, Just noticed your Huffman lineage from Germany to America. I descend from MARY ANN HUFFMAN & John King to Daniel Roseberry King & Mary Matilda Barnhart, My Grandparents. Raymond Daniel King (My father) married Ruth Cleona Bane. He had 13 brothers & sisters. I noticed a discrepancy between your data & Mine. Your data has William T. King married to a Mertie Hennen, Mertie Irene Hennen, and Myrtle Malloy (these last three are NOT the same person) plus Tharp, Lucy Farmer, and a Henderson. Your William was born 1867-1941. I also have a William T. King but do not have wives or death dates. Daniel Roseberry King had a brother "Thomas" b: May 8,1880-d:1940. married a Mertie ?, Myrtle Malloy, and Mertie Irene Hamilton. He had three wives, the last one being about 14 yrs old when he, at 60 yrs., married her. {he was a "ladies" man}. Buried in Enon between his two wives, who died befor him. (Mertie ? & Myrtle Malloy). It was rumored that before he died, he picked a Suitor for his last wife, Mertie Irene. Possibly "William?? DeCampWilliam". Not verified though. I have never seen the name "Thomas" anywhere but have seen William T. several places. Thomas King owned a market place near Claysville, Pa. where several of my uncles worked. Meat? & vegetables. A daughter of Mertie Irene swears by the above dates, told to my sister years ago. Lost contact with her & don't know how to reach her. I have been searching high & low for information on "Uncle Tom's" real name and on William T.'s middle name. Thinking that they might be the same person, plus the rest of Daniel's siblings. My uncles insist that Thomas is a FULL brother to Daniel, where William is a Half-brother. I would appreciate any help you can give me...If you need any information on Daniel & Mary's descendants, please let me know. Thanks. Kenneth King Subject: Re: Huffman Geocites website Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 04:41:37 -0400 From: "Kenneth King" [] To: "Helen in Pa." [] CC: "SusiCP" [] References: 1, 2 Helen: I am not Entirely Positive that what I told you was entirely TRUE. I only know what I am told by my Family, just as others are told by their Families. I wanted to point out the discrepancies so we could be aware of other possibilities and be on the lookout for the truth...I do not have ICQ. My wife may have, I don't know what it is. Her e-mail is []. Our computors are 2 feet apart- The Barnhart reunion went fine. Mostly relatives (Young) who are not into geneology. I have met a few who are into family matters and have some leads. I met Louise Abbereg, wife of Keith Barnhart who has much knowledge. Also on the net in contact with others, searching & sharing. ----. Will keep in contact. Thanks Kenneth King Original Message ----- From: Helen in Pa. [] To: Kenneth King [] Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 9:46 PM Subject: Re: Huffman Geocites website> Hi Cousin Ken, The info at the site is unproven to me and was acquired from a ged file on Ancestry, so there could and probably are lots of mistakes. I can repair the mistakes, with your permission and add the sources, for better info. I will not put on any living members in an outline. Maybe with your help I can clear them up. Do you have the free AOL Instant Message that we can chat with or maybe ICQ? Thanks for contacting us. Hope to hear from you soon about getting my discrepencies fixed. Sincerely, Your Cousin Helen. Subject: Thomas King Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 16:44:46 -0400 From: "Kenneth King" [] To: [] CC: "SusiCp" [] Dear Cousins: Sorry, I don't mean to bug you. Final message, I promise. Just got this...Just talked (or tried to) to my Deaf Cousin, Crell Plants, who used to work for Thomas King. Crell just past his 80th birthday this week...Has appearence of a 50 yo. Hearing of 150yo. Info: as follows. Thomas King was a brother to Daniel Roseberry. Doesn't know William T. Gave me pictures of Hiram (Tom's brother) and Tom together along with Daniel Roseberry & his family. Crell only knew of him as "Uncle Tom" born May 8, 1880 near Aleppo probably on Barnhart Land. (poss Springhill or Aleppo Twp.- Windy Gap area which has Barnhart land in both Twp.'s}. Died- June 13, 1941 at age 60. (acc to dates he should be 61). He owned or operated a meat/vegetable store in/ Claysville, Pa. First wife: UNKNOWN Second Wife: Myrtle Hamilton. She had a Daughter prior to marriage of Tom. Child of Tom & Myrtle = Earl King...He was a mailman in Claysville all his life. Third Wife: Myrtle Bell Malloy B: mar 18... 2 children known 1. Myrtle Irene King m: Ferris Davis (both worked at Sprwawls (Sprowls) Feed store in Claysville. She a bookeeper. He a laborer) 2. Marjorie King m: Donald Calvert (lived in Claysville) Marjorie had 3 children, one was Thomas Ray b:6/10/1957 he was an artist on TV program - Hee Haw. After Tom died, Myrtle Bell Malloy King married William DeCamp and had one son: "William "Billy" DeCamp" b: Apr. 29, 1944. Hope this helps. Ken King Subject: Verify Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 04:47:00 -0400 From: "Kenneth King" [] To: "Helen_in_pa_" [] Helen Looks good. Not sure how you are going to print it up. Based on Crell's Information, My Previous Information is suspect. IE: 3 wives, Mertie, Myrtle Malloy & Mertie Irene Hamilton. Also I had a TYPO... "Myrtle Irene King D/O Myrtle Bell Malloy should have been "Mertie Irene King" (I am not a good typist"). I can Vividly remember isolated bits of mental pictures of Hamilton's Barn, front of house and the player piano. I stole a toy Metal car & got a whooping for it. DeCamps had a trailer at one point. When Mertie Irene got married. My family attended wedding & reception..(At least I think it was her). one of the parents had a nice house. I am waiting for Crell's wife Mary Ann to talk to Crell (Yell at him), and sipher more information. There is very little written anywhere & few people who remember Thomas "Tom" King. Thanks for helping. You have my permission to publish, send, distribute or file 13, this information. I cannot verify Its accuracy nor dispute it either. Kenneth King Back