Marriages Performed by Francis Drake, Esq. Greene County, Pennsylvania July 5, 1863 1863 Fee Paid: 1. July 5 Benjamin Franklin Logston to Cynthia Roberts 2.00 2. July 25 William McCrerey to Mifs Levina Cage 5.00 3. Oct. 14 John Gribben to Levina Barnhart 1.50 1864 4. Mar. 4 John Mefsenger to Mifs Mary Jane Williams 1.50 5. Mar. 13 Thomas McGary to Sarah Elizabeth Burket 1.00 6. Apr. 12 Joseph Doman to Elizabeth Parks 1.00 7. Aug. 1 Wm. A. Jefferson to Mifs Amanda Price 5.00 8. Aug. 18 Thomas Moore to Mary Jane Taylor 3.00 9. Sep. 17 Hiram Long to Lucinda Stewart 2.00 1865 10. Jan. 22 William Stickles to Margaret Elizabeth Harsh 1.00 11. Feb. 13 Hiram Smith to Mary Jane Long 5.00 12. Mar. 25 Stephen White Esqr. To Mifs Lucy Wright 2.00 13. May 4 Mr. William Reynolds to Mifs Anna Maria Games 4.00 14. May 15 Mr. James D. Long to Mifs Margaret Crow of VA 2.00 15. July 4 Mr. Samuel Mellon to Mifs Susan Dofsey of Va 1.00 16. July 30 Mr. Thomas Marcus to Mifs Margaret Simpson 17. July 30 Mr. Thomas Shearman to Mifs Sarah Jane Marcus 18. Aug. 4 Mr. Wm. Criswell to Mifs Isabell Jenkins of WVa 10.00 19. Oct. 17 Mr. John Headly to Mifs Mary Nufs 2.50 20. Nov. 19 Mr. Larry L. Hughes to Mifs Elizabeth C. Brister 2.00 1866 21. Mar. 29 Mr. Neal Dofsy to Mifs Mary Younkin 2.00 22. July 22 Mr. Lewis Reynolds to Sarah Reaves of WVa 1.50 23. Aug. 25 Mr. Peter Ulum to Mrs. Margaret Snyder 2.00 24. Sep. 16 Mr. Jerry A. Fitzgerald to Mifs Jenny Lemon 2.00 25. Sep. 27 Mr. James P. Harris to Mifs Cafsandra Ann Stricklin 1.50 26. Oct. 21 Mr. James McBenger to Mifs Elizabeth Anthony 2.00 27. Nov. 15 Mr. David Younkin to Mifs Margaret E. Braden 2.50 1867 28. Jan. 2 Mr. James Sickles to Mifs Hannah Dunlap of WV 2.00 29. Feb. 28 Mr. John Finegan to Mifs Eliza Younkin of PA 2.00 30. May 5 Mr. Isaac T. Grimes to Mifs Jane A. Wilson 2.00 31. May 12 Mr. C.F. Clark to Mifs M.J. Long of WVa 2.00 32. June 16 Mr. Robert Yates Sr. to Mrs. Mary Ingram 1.00 33. Aug. 18 Mr. Benjamin Wright to Mifs O.C.C. Grim 2.00 34. Aug. 24 Mr. James Games to Mifs Margaret ?? 12.00 35. Aug. 28 Mr. Henry W. Whipkey to Mifs Roseanne Sickles 3.00 36. Oct. 15 Mr. James Carter to Mifs Phebe Jennings 37. Dec. 24 Mr. William Kindle? to Mifs Amanda Yates 1.00 1868 38. Sep. 6 Mr. James Schofield to Mifs C.P. Davis of Wash Co & WV 5.00 39. Sep. 15 Mr. Andrew Durbin to Mrs. Mary McCagsly 3.00 40. Oct. 23 Mr. Henry Parkinson to Mifs Maggie Burley Wash Co & WV 2.00 41. Nov. 21 Mr. Samuel H. Smith to Mifs Elisabeth Magers of Pa 1.00 42. Nov. 24 Mr. Samuel Gay to Mifs Susan Murry 2.00 1869 43. Feb. 6 Mr. William J. Rush to Mifs Nancy Reese 2.00 44. May 31 Mr. Lindsay Burley to Mifs Mary A. Gorby Wash Co & WV 2.00 45. May 31 Mr. B.F. Barnhart to Mifs Mitchel Hedly Greene Co. 46. July 4 Daniel Buzzard to Mifs Pleasant Calwell of WV 2.00 47. Nov. 4 William Cunningham Sr Pa? to Mifs Jane Coswell of VA? 5.00 1870 48. Jan 12 Benjamin McCormick to Mifs Amanda Davis of Belmont Co., Oh 49. Apr. 30 Mr. Robert Miller of the State of Michigan to Miss Lavina Colwell of Greene County, Pa. 1.00 50. Oct. 15 Mr. Jacob Headley to Mifs Amanda Butler 3.00 51. Dec. 26 Mr. W.H.H. Phillips of Aleppo Twp. To Mifs Isabel Lovewell of Wheeling, WV 5.00 1871 52. Mar. 11 Mr. Wm. R. Sickles to Mifs Nancy A. Foster of Ohio 2.00 53. Aug. 6 Mr. James Dunlap to Mifs Matilda White, both of Marshall Co WV 1.00 54. Aug. 8? Mr. Samuel Anderson of Greene Co. Pa to Mifs Margaret J. Clouston of Marshall Co., WV 2.00 55. Sep. 10 Mr. James Rail to Mifs Sara E. Durbin 2.00 56. Sep. 16 Mr. Elijah Young to Mifs Rhoda Machasda of Marshall Co WV 2.00 57. Dec. 2 Mr. John Kerns? To Mifs Sarah Braden of WVa 2.00 58. Dec. 14 Mr. Goerge Poland? of ? to Margaret ? of Greene Co. Pa. 4.00 1872 59. Sep. 22 Mr. Harvey A. Leonard to Mifs Lydda M. Rease 2.00 60. Nov. 10 Mr. John Yoders of Pa. to Mifs Susan Carter 1.00Marriages by J.C. Booher, J.P., Ryerson Station, Greene Co., Pa (He has numbers of the marriages all off by 1 or 2 nos. as he went) Names of Persons and Dates, Joined in Wedlock by J.C. Booher, Esq., by Authority of the Common Wealth of Pa. 1 Daniel Wilson to Mrs. Mary Wisman, both of Greene Co., Pa. Aug. 17, 1873. 2 James Wisman to Miss Margaret Jane Morrison, both of Greene Co., Pa. [Date unknown]. 3. James Elder to Mifs Susana W.Va. married May 17, 1874 J.C.B. 4. William H. Conkle to Mifs Mary L. Rhodes, both of Wheeling, West. Va. Aug. 31, AD 1874. 5. John Wright to Mifs Nancy B. Yerty, both of Greene Co., Pa. Sept. 15th, AD 1874. 6. Joseph Games to Mifs Catherine E. Rird, both of Marshall Co. West Va., Sept 23rd, AD 1874. 7. Daniel P. Kiney to Mifs Jennie Craig, Marshall Co., West Va., Sept. 23rd, 1874. 8. James Daton to Mifs Allis Pettit, both of Marshall County, West Va., Oct. 15th, 1874. 9. Benjamine Poland to Miss Elisabeth Mariah Davis, both of Greene County, Pernn. Oct. 21st, AD 1874. 10. James W. Wayt to Miss Budah Williams. Miss Williams of Whetzell Co., Va. and J.W Wayt of Marshall Co., WVa. on January the 19th, AD 1875. 11. Harvey P. Staly to Mrs. Mary Elliott both of Greene Co., Pa. December the 28th, 1874. Ryerson Station, Penna. 1875 12. Feb. 18, John Miller of Washington County, Pa., to Miss Susanna Bell of Greene Co., Pa. 13 July 31, H.P Bartholamew of Ryerson Station, Greene Co., Pa. to Miss Mary Zolbert of Cameron, West Va. 1876 14 May 27, Isaac Bond of Ryerson Sta. Greene Co., Pa. to Mrs. Mariah Durbin, county and state aforesaid. 1875 15 Aug. 22, Mr. Samuel Glendenning of Marshall Co., W.Va., & Mifs Elizabeth Cunningham of Greene Co., Pa. 1875 16 Aug. 24, Mr. Samuel Gribben Jr. & Mifs Lavina A. Iams, both of Greene Co. Pa. 1875 17 Sep. 2, Mr. Wiley Johnson to Mifs Emma Knapp, both of Marshall County, W.Va. 18 Sep. 2, Mr. Elijah D. McGary and Mifs Sarah E. Carr both of Marshall Co., W.Va. 19 Mr. George W. Crow and Mifs Elisabeth Crow, both of Marshall Co., W.Va. Certificate given. 20 Mr. Samuel Robinson amd Mifs Mary J. Dowler both of Marshall County, W.Va. cert. givne same day. 1875 21 Oct. 14, Mr. Melvin C. Rofs and Mifs Elmira A. Moore, both of Greene County, Pa. 1875 22 Dec. 8, Mr. Norman Turner and Mifs Jennie Lowery, both of Greene Co., Pa. 1875 23 Dec. 9, Mr. James Howard and Mifs Allice Stewart, both of Marshall Co., W.Va. 1876 24 Jun 22, Mr. Jacob B. Lowery of Washington Co., Pa., to Mifs Elizabeth Turner of Marshall Co., W.Va. 1876 25 Jul. 1, Mr. Reason Strosnider and Miss Mariah Wright both of Cameron, W.Va. 1877 26 Aug. 12, Mr. William J. McCardel to Miss Rebecca E. Gibben, both of Marshall Co., W.Va. 27 " " Mr. Peter Gump and Miss Jane Grimes both of Marshall Co., W.Va. 28 Sep. 20, Mr. Josephy K. Price & Miss Sarah A. Crow, both of Marshall Co., W.Va. P.O.Beelers Sta. [certificate sent] 29 May 13, Mr. J.P. Devenport & Miss Margaret C. Long, Moundsville, W.Va., m. presence of Phillip Cunningham 30 Sep. 22, Mr. John H. Baldwin & Miss Cal Dorsey, both of Marshall County, W.V.a., in presence of S.H. Barnett and Ringland Booher. Certificate given. 31 Married by J.A. Booher, Esq. in his office, Apr. 5th, 1878 Mr. Andrew Hewitt of Aleppo township, Greene County Pa. and Miss Henryetta Cooke, the same place above named, in the presence of Jas. T. Goodwin & wife and Mrs. J.C. Booher & others. J.C Booher J.P. 32 At the residence of the Subscriber Mr. Hansan Brafass? & Miss Anna Bush, both of Marshall Co., W.Va., in presence of John Millikns and F.M. Nickeson, August 11th, AD 1878. J.C. Booher, J.P. 33 At the residence of the bride March 7th, 1878, Mr. Samuel Crow of Marshall Co., W.Va., and Mrs. Kate Gribben of Ryerson Station, Pa. J.C. Booher, J.P. 1878 Jul. 4, Mr. Isaac Baldwin & Miss Mattie Archer, both of Marshall Co., W.Va. 34 at the residence of Millie Tuttle, Ryerson Sta., Pa., Mr. Joseph Hurst of Marshall County, W.Va. and Mrs. Margaret Holmes, of Ryerson Sta., Pa. Sept. 30th, AD 1876, by J. C. 35 At the residence of the Subscriber, February 14th, AD 1878, Mr. Lewis Harvy and Mary A. Good, both of Marshall Co., W.Va., by J.C. Booher, J.P. 36 Same place, January 6th, 1878, Mr. Rolley McMahin and Miss Jane Coffritt, both of West Va. J.C. Booher, J.P. 37 Same place, January 10th, 1878, Mr. Fruman M. Myers and Miss Ella V. Allison, both of Greene County, Pa. J.C. Booher, J.P. 38 Peter Adams and Miss Malinda Barney, both of Ryerson Sta., Pa. June 15th, 1878, J.C.B. 39 At the residence of JamesMurry, Mr. David Barney and Miss Rebecca J. Wisman, September 2nd, AD 1878 39 (40) Oct. 9, 1878, Mr. Jackson Aston and Miss Jane Hollings- head, both of Marshall Co., W.Va. 40 (41) June 18th, 1879, Mr. John Marshall aged 64 years, and Mrs. Mary A. Lydick aged 53 years, both of Cameron, West Va. 41 (42) November 16th, 1879, Mr. George Mindle and Miss Jennie Murdy, both of Richhill township, Greene Co., Pa. 42 (43) September 25, 1880, Mr. Lewis Harvey of West Virginia & Miss Elisabeth Sickles, of Greene County, Pa. 2.00 43 (44) Aug. 9, 1881, Charles Wilson and Miss Amanda Gould, both of Ryerson Sta., Pa. 44 (45) Dec. 8, 1878, Mr. David Harris and Miss Rosabell Rulong both of Marshall County, W.Va. pd 3.00 45 (46) Dec. 20, 1880, Mr. Theodore A. Lawver and Miss Susana Watson both of Greene Co., Pa. pd 2.00 46 (47) Apr. 2, 1881, Mr.James Holmes and Mrs. Caroline Murphy both of Ryerson Station, Pa. pd 1.00 47 (48) May 28, 1881, Mr. William A. Parson and Miss Delana Holmes both of Greene Co., Pa. pd 1.00 48 (49) Sep. 20, 1882, Mr. Isaac M. Grindle and Miss Rachel A. Parson, W.Va. pd 3.00 49 (50) Oct. 22, 1882, G.H. Marshall West Va. and Miss Jennie N. Coopage West Va. pd 2.00 50 (51) Oct. 8, 1881, Mr. James N. Giddings & Miss Mary Richmond, both of Marshall Co., W.Va., 2.00 51 (52) July 15, 1882, Mr. Stimett Bees and Miss Sarah Jane Rollins, Doddridge Co., W.Va. pd 2.00 52 (53) Sep. 29, 1882, Mr. C.P. King and Miss Nora A. Thomas of Cameron, West Va. pd 2.00 53 (54) Mar. 22, 1885, Mr. J.W. Daken of Weston & Miss Jennie R. Crow, Pleasant Valley, both Marshall Co. 3.00 certificate given 54 (55) Feb. 14, 1883, Mr. Martin L. Lawver? & Miss Elizabeth J. Chambers, both of Alleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 3.00 55 (56) Winter of 1883, Mr. NoahW. Solter, Beelers Sta., Va. Miss Mary Anne Magruder, of Illinois, pd 3.00 56 (57) May 19, 1888_, Mr. William McCarty, of Independence, Washington Co., Pa. & Mrs. Amos of Majorsville, West Va. pd 2.00 57 (58) Aug. 29, 1884, Mr. John W. Nixon and Miss Louisa Doman, all of Greene Co., Pa. pd 1.00 Witness present David Doman, certificate given 58 (59) Sep. 23, 1884, Mr. W.P. Wisman & Miss Nancy A. Ferrell both of Greene Co., Penna pd 2.00 59 (60) Sep. 25, 1884, Doctor Franklin Lucas of Wheeling, Ohio Co., West Va. & Miss Louisa D. Roberts of Marshall County, W.Va. pd 2. 50 60 (61) Nov. 24, 1884, Mr. Joseph C. Fry & Miss Maggie J. Crow all of Rocklick, West Va. pd 2.00 61 (62) Dec. 4, 1884, Mr. Robert L. Fitzpatrick and Miss Ella M. Casto all of Harrison Co., West Va. pd 2.00 62 (63) Jan. 29, 1885, Mr. J.N. Hartley & Miss Jennie Clowson both of Marshall Co., W,Va., pd 1.00 63 (64) July 26, 1885, Mr. John Richmond & Miss Lida Pettit, Calis, West Va. pd 1.00 64 (65) May 30, 1885, Mr. J.W. Larken of Charleston, West Va., & Miss Emma V. Goodrich of Ryerson's Station, Pa. Certificate given pd 2.00 65 (66) June 18, 1885, Mr. Henry Grindle to Miss Ida Bell Myers, both of Marshall Co., W.Va. pd 2.00 certificate forwarded by mail 66 (67) June 4, 1885, Mr. George W. Rail and Miss Dora M. Stewart both of Marshall Co., W.Va. pd 3.00 Certificate Sent to Wolf Run, P.O. 67 (68) Sep. 2, 1885, Mr. John T. Hill & Miss Nancy E. Earlemine, both of Marshall Co., W.Va. pd 2.00 68 (69) Sep. 20, 1885, Mr. John S. Kittle & Miss Harriet M. Francis, Marshall Co., W.Va. pd 3.00 69 (70) Sep. 20, 1885, Mr. Thomas J. Holmes & Mrs. Anna Jackson, both of Ryerson Sta. pd 1.00 70 (71) Sep. 26, 1885, H.H. Paterson, MD & Lizzie C. Howe, both of Washington Co., Pa. pd 1.50 71 (72) Sep. 27, 1885, William H. Richmond & E. Fordice, both of Marshall Co., W.Va. pd 2.00 72 (73) Sep. 29, 1885, Charles N. Dayton & Armatha Crow, all of Marshall Co., W.Va. pd 2.00 73 (74) Aug. 2, 1886, Mr. Oliver N. Hewitt & Miss Sadie B. Huffman, both of Bristoria, Greene Co., Pa. pd 2.00 under Licence (no. is not there) 74 (75) Nov. 25, 1888, John B. Tuttle & Sadie A. Thompson, both of Richhill Twp., Greene Co., Pa. under Licence No. 536 issued by J.R. Pipes pd 1.00 J.C. Booher, J.P 75 (76) Nov. 18, 1880, Mr. John H. Sickels & Miss Amanda N. Amos, P.O. address, Crows Mills, Greene Co., Pa. pd 2.00 76 (77) Jan. 24, 1890, Mr. Benjamin F. Braden & Mifs Sarah A. Winters, both of Richhill Twp., Greene Co., Pa., P.O. Ryerson Station, Pa. Under Licence No. 795 certificate given pd 2.00 77 (78) Sep. 29, 1890, Mr. John L. King & Miss Catherine Lemmons, both of Graysville, Greene Co., Pa. Certificate given, under licence No. 918 pd 2.00 78 (79) Oct. 28, 1891, Mr. John L. Thomas & Miss Ida F. Stewart at Graysville, Greene Co., Pa. Licence No. 1168 pd 3.00 79 (80) Dec. 31, 1891, Mr. Francis L. Rush & Miss Lizzie M. Norris, Graysville, Greene Co., Pa. pd 3.00 Licence No. 1215. 80 (81) Oct. 12, 1896, Benjamin F. McClellan & Marian F. McCloud were by me united in the holy bonds of Wedlock. Both parties of Harvey's, Greene Co., Pa., as per Licence No 2241. pd ? 81 (82) Aug. 23, 1899, James M. Willard & Mrs. Clara J. McClellan were by me Joined together in the holy State of Matrimony by the authority of Licence issued No. 2893. Both parties of Harvey's, Greene Co., Pa. 82 (83) July 14, 1900, Mr. Jacob Wells & Miss Osa McClelland were united by me into the holy Bonds of Wedlock in presence of L.L. Carpenter & James McClelland at Graysville, Greene Co., Pa. Under Licence No 3107 Pd 3.00 J.C. Booher J.P. 83 (84) Dec. 12, 1901, William B. Curry & Miss Ottie Conkey were by me united in marriage according to Licence issued Dec. 11, AD 1901, No. 3473 pd 3.00 J.C. Booher, J.P. 84 (85) October 31, 1902, Mr. Jacob Mankey & Mifs Mary Nisby? were by me united in marriage according to Licence issued October 30, 1902 No. 3702. Pd 2.50 J.C. Booher, J.P. 85 (86) Jan. 14, 1903, William Loughman & Daisy F. Swart were by me married according to Licence Issd. January 10, 1903, No. 3753 J.C. Booher, J.P. Last section are:Marriages by G.W. Smith, J.P. Sep. 16, 1904, Married at my residence, Wilbert Ross Gilmore & Jennie Mary Bell Antill, all of Richhill township, Greene Co., Pennsylvania, were by me united in marriage. According to licence Issued September 14, 1904, the number of Licence being 4134, Witnesses: Clarissa Smith, D.L. Smith pd 3.50 George W. Smith. Oct. 3, 1905, At my residence in Richhill Township, Greene County, Penna. Norman Guthrie & Elisabeth White, all of Richhill Township, Greene County, Penna., were by me united in marriage according to licence issued September 22, 1905. The number of licence being 4381. Witness: Clara Smith pd 3.50 George W. Smith, J.P. Dec. 19, 1905, at the residence of Samuel Jones, in Richhill Township, Greene County, Penna., H.T. Ross & Ollie Workman, all of the above named County and State, were by me united in marriage according to licence issued and of the Orphan's Court of Greene County on June 21, AD 1905, the number of licence being 4321. Witness: Samuel Jones, Mrs. Samuel Jones. Pd 5.00 George W. Smith J.P. Apr. 11, 1907, at the bride's residence, at Wind Ridge, Greene County, Penna., Samuel H. Barnett and Margaret M. Bryan, both of the above named place were by me united in marriage in accordance with licence issued by the clerk of the Orphan's Court, of Greene County, Penna. Numbered 4707, pd 3.50 George W. Smith, J.P. Feb. 6, 1908, at the residence of ______ Kerr, near Graysville, Harvey's P.O., Penna. Oscar R. Headley & Urbanna Kerr, both Richhill Township, Greene County, Penna., were by me united in marriage, According to Licence issued February the 4th, 1908, the number being 4879. Witnessed: W.S. Hughes, Elias Wright pd 5.00 George W. Smith, J.P. July 18, 1908, at my residence in Richhill Township, Greene County, Penna., Charles H. Clutter and Alice H. Swart, both of Richhill Township, Greene County, Penna., were by me united in marriage according to Licence issued July 17th, 1908, by the Clerk of Courts, for the above named County, the number of Licence being 4965. Witness: Clara Smith pd. 1.00 George W. Smith J.P. End of Greene County Marriages found in Waynesburg Courthouse in 1988.